
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Moonlit Hermit Tarot, Kickstarter Now Live!

 The Moonlit Hermit Tarot, which I have labored on for the past two years, is now ready to go to print. I am getting a Kickstarter campaign underway to fund the initial printing. The pre-launch page is now live and you can check it out here: Moonlit Hermit Tarot

The campaign launched in earnest on Wednesday, May 26th, 2021, on the Full Moon. 

I designed this deck with an eye to divination and spirit communication, the main uses for tarot in my practice. Each card is a piece of collage art made up of razor cut paper and found images from magazines, books, or out in the wild. 

I styled the deck after the classic Tarot de Marseille. The Major Arcana, the Court cards, and most of the Aces are strongly influenced by the classic deck, though some of them might look quite different. 

The Minors are lightly illustrated based on my interpretation of them. In these cases I was most influenced by Alejandro Jodorowsky's Way of Tarot. Aces are the essence of the suit. Twos represent gestation and coalescence of the suit. Threes are the manifestation of the suit. Fours are the stability of the suit. Fives are the change in the suit. Sixes are pleasures of the suit. Sevens are effort and work of the suit. Eights are balance in the suit. Nines are crisis in the suit. Tens are endings in the suit. 

Justice is numbered 8 and Strength is 11. All the figures in the cards face the same direction and their gaze is in the same direction as it appears in the Marseille deck. 

As I worked on each image I kept other examples of the cards close at hand.

Each deck comes with a tuck box and a 40 page Little White Book. 

I have the Kickstarter set to begin on Wednesday, May 26th and will run for 28 days. I am looking to raise $5700 to pay for a print run large enough to keep the retail price to $40. I have an Early Bird reward in which the Moonlit Hermit Tarot is going for $30 for the first week. I also have some add-ons. My Picatrix Decans card deck is 10% off if you combine it with the tarot deck. A sticker pack of 10 designs from my archives is also available as an add-on and I am looking for more things to add. 

For stretch goals if we can reach $8000 the cards will come edged in matte black. If we can reach $10000 then I will include four bonus cards, the Kings of the Four Directions which are my interpretation of the four Goetic Kings, Oriens, Amaymon, Paymon, and Egyn. 

Speaking of goetia, I put some goetic Easter eggs here and there in the deck. For instance, the hem of the angel's garment in Temperance is Klepoth's sigil form the Grimorium Verum. 

 Support this project. Moonlit Hermit Tarot