Monday, March 3, 2025

Lunar Mansion Report, March 10th, 2025 to March 16th, 2025

   This is an entry in a continuing series of posts looking at the Moon's position and condition in the week ahead with an eye to the Mansions of the Moon. This is an exercise to help track the speed of the Moon, organize my thoughts on the Mansions, and think about the practical applications. 

All times are for me locally, United States Pacific Time. I will be making note of the Moon's phase, speed, and Mansion position in my assessment. Currently, I'm not considering aspects with other planets.

Lunar Mansion Report, March 10th, 2025 to March 16th, 2025.

Monday, March 10th, 2025. The Moon is traveling through Algebha when March 10th begins. She continues through Algebha until 7:00am and then moves into the next Mansion, Azobra, the Mane of the Lion. The phase is Waxing Gibbous which is good for works of strengthening and building upon an existing foundation. The Moon is Waxing and considered beneficial.

The Moon had traveled through Algebha for 24 hours exactly. She will travel through Azobra between 7:00AM on March 10th until 7:24AM on March 11th, a period of 24 hours and 24 minutes and 24 minutes longer than Algebha. This means she is slow and slowing down. A slow Moon may delay the effects of magical works but may also make them more enduring. 

The beneficial powers of Azobra are to rescue captives, to organize trade and profit from it, for travelers on the road to travel safely and unharmed, to strengthen buildings, increase the wealth of allies, to be feared and receive good things (Latin Picatrix), for fear, reverence, and veneration (Agrippa), to regain lost affection, and to enjoy prosperity and an optimistic mindset (Celestial Magic). 

The image for this Mansion in the Latin Picatrix is a man riding the back of a lion holding its ear in his hand. In its most beneficial aspect the lion is fully controlled by the figure on its back and adds its ferocity and strength to the figure’s bearing (despite the figure’s somewhat precarious position). This concept of being next to danger but safe from it is a big theme of Azobra.

Tuesday, March 11th, 2025. When March 11 begins, the Moon is in Azobra, the Mane of the Lion and remains there until 7:24AM, at which point she steps into Azarfa, the Lion's Tail. The Moon continues through Azarfa for the rest of March 11th. The Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous which is best for works of building, growing, and strengthening. 

It will take the Moon 24 hours and 50 minutes to cross Azarfa, between 7:24AM on March 11th until 8:14AM March 12th. This is slower than the previous Mansion by 26 minutes and so the Moon is slow and slowing down. A slow Moon may make effects manifest more slowly but may also make the effects more durable. 

The beneficial powers of Asarfa are increasing farms and newly planted trees, promoting the welfare of partners as well as for reconciling differences between them for improved work conditions and product, improving conditions for successful hunting (Gayat al Hakim), increase harvests, the improvement of allies, officials, captives, and servants that they will be steadfast and honest (Latin Picatrix), and brings help and benevolence (Celestial Magic).

In the Latin Picatrix the image for this Mansion is a dragon fighting a man made in black lead. It is described as an image of breaking and separating. In its beneficial form this image could be used to break from addiction or unhealthy situations or relationships. 

As March 11th ends, the Moon is in Azarfa. 

Wednesday, March 12th, 2025. As March 12th begins at midnight the Moon is in Azarfa, the Tail of the Lion. At 8:14AM the Moon moves into Alawway, the Barkers. The phase is Waxing Gibbous but getting pretty close to being Full. A Waxing Gibbous Moon is good for works of improving, ripening, and advancing to the next stage of improvement. 

The Moon transits across Alawway between 8:14AM on March 12th until 9:25AM on March 13th. This is a period of 25 hours and 11 minutes and is 21 minutes slower than the previous Mansion. This means the Moon is slow and decelerating. A slow Moon can make magic more long lasting but may also delay the effects from happening. 

The beneficial powers of Alawway include promoting trade and farms, enhancing the welfare of a traveler, the consumption of marriage between spouses, for releasing captives, to contact kings and dignitaries (Gayat al Hakim), for the excitation of sexual intercourse (Ibn Hatim), increase of trade and profit, increase of harvests, completion of buildings, for the liberation of men who are not able to come to women, to put love between a man and a woman, to dissolve binding that a man will be able to perform with a woman (Latin Picatrix), for benevolence, gain, voyages, harvests, and freedom of captives (Agrippa), for learning every kind of thing (Shams al Marif). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a red man embracing a white woman. This is an image of oppisites joining into a harmonious whole. The sexual overtones of this image suggest that each of the opposites desires unity with the other and the power dynamic is more or less equitable. 

The Moon remains in Alawway for the remainder of March 12th.

Thursday, March 13th, 2025. March 13th begins with the Moon in Alawway, the Barkers. She will be in that Mansion until 9:25AM and will then make ingress into Azimech, the Spike of Virgo. The Moon's phase for the majority of the day is Waxing Gibbous, which is good for building up and strengthening. At 10:55PM the Moon makes the opposition aspect with the Sun and is Full. From that moment the Moon's phase is Waning Gibbous and the wrathful aspects come into play. The Waning Gibbous phase is best for works of diminishment and decay. 

The Moon will be in Azimech from 9:25AM on March 13th until 10:58AM on March 14th. That is 25 hours and 23 minutes and is 12 minutes longer than the last Mansion. The Moon is slow at this speed and she is slowing down. A slow Moon can slow down the effects of magical works and may make them long lasting. 

The beneficial powers of Azimech include reconciling differences between spouses, recovery from illness (Gayat al Hakim), for the love of man and wife, heal the sick, for the benefit of kings thatchy might ascend to their reign, the safety of sailors, the friendship of allies (Latin Picatrix), attract friendship, improve personal fortune, empowers bowl divination and scrying operations (Celestial Magic). 

The wrathful powers of Azimech are cutting off and enmity (Ibn Hatim), to destroy harvests and plants, to destroy lust, for the destruction of those who go by roads, to separate men from women (Latin Picatrix), to hindereth journeys by land (Agrippa), to disperse inappropriate sexual desire or cause a separation (Celestial Magic). 

The image of this Mansion in the Latin Picatrix is a dog biting its own tail. This may be a symbol of futility but it may also be some kind of ouroboros. Nigel Jackson's Celestial Magic includes an ear of wheat in the image of this Mansion. Its connotations of fertility, growth, and bounty cannot be overstated. The dog turns in its cycle, ever striving to its goal. 

When midnight rolls around the Moon is in Azimech. 

Friday, March 14th, 2025. The Moon is in Azimech, the Spike of Virgo, when March 14th begins. She remains in this Mansion until 10:58AM and then moves into Algaphra, The Covering. The phase is Waning Gibbous which is strong for division, subtraction, lessening, and weakening. 

The Moon will transit across Algaphra from 10:58AM on March 14th until 12:46PM March 15th. This is 25 hours and 48 minutes and is 25 minutes longer than the Mansion before. This means the Moon is in a slow period and is still decelerating. A slow Moon can slow down the manifestation of any magical works but can also lend endurance to those effects. 

The wrathful powers of Algafra are obstructing a traveler from making a trip, creating discord between spouses, spoiling friendships between friends, ruining partnerships, destruction of communities and towns (Gayat al Hakim), to scatter enemies from an area, and the destruction of the house of your enemies (Latin Picatrix). 

The image for this Mansion in the Latin Picatrix is a man writing a letter. The specialty of this Mansion is agreements, pacts, and contracts. In its wrathful form it can mean the breaking of pacts.

The Moon will be in Algaphra from 10:58AM until midnight of March 14th.

Saturday, March 15th, 2025. The Moon is slowly traveling across Algaphra, the Covering, when March 15th begins. She will remain in Algaphra until 12:46PM and will then move into Azubene, the Horns of the Scorpion. The phase is Waning Gibbous and works of decline and loss are indicated. 

The Moon will be in Azubene from 12:46PM on March 15th until 2:46PM on March 16th, 26 hours exactly. This is 12 minutes longer than the previous Mansion and is quite slow generally. And yet, she still decelerates. A slow Moon may delay the effects of magic but may also make them last longer. 

The wrathful powers of Azubene include destruction of merchandise, to put discord between friends, to debauch a woman you desire, to impede those who journey so that they never reach their destination, cause hatred between friends (Latin Picatrix), damage merchant shops, separating friends and spouses, the severe punishment of a wife if the husband so desires, harm a traveling adversary, create discord between partners (Gayat al Hakim), and hindereth journeys and wedlock, harvests and merchandise (Agrippa). 

The image for Azubene in the Latin Picatrix is a man holding scales and weighing. The Horns of the Scorpion became the claws of the scorpion which became the cups of a scale. Discernment, judgement, and valuation are the keywords for Azubene. In its wrathful forms, it can obscure the value of things like relationships and ruin business deals. In Nigel Jackson's Celestial Magic this Mansion is given the power of enhancing sciomancy and necromantic operations to communicate with the shades of the dead. 

Azubene is the first half of the Via Combusta, the Fiery Way which is detrimental to the Moon and enhances the wrathful aspects.

The Moon will be in Azubene for the remainder of March 15th.

Sunday, March 16th, 2025. The Moon is in Azubene, the Horns of the Scorpion, when March 16th begins at midnight and the Moon will continue through Azubene until 2:46PM. After that she will step into Alichlil, the Crown of the Scorpion. The phase is Waning Gibbous which is best for works of weakening, damaging, and diminishing.

The Moon will be in Alichlil from 2:46PM on March 16th until 4:54PM on March 17th. This is 26 hours and 8 minutes and is the extreme of the Moon's slow period this cycle. She is slow and has decelerated a further 8 minutes. A slow Moon may delay the effects of magical works but may also make them long lasting. 

 The wrathful powers of Alichlil are isolating cities (Gayat al Hakim), to improve deception, and to besiege cities and villages (Latin Picatrix). The power of expelling thieves will be listed as a beneficial power and a wrathful power.  

The image of Aliklil in the Latin Picatrix is a monkey holding its hands up above its shoulders. I imagine this gesture to resemble a criminal putting their hands up at being apprehended. The monkey and its ability to imitate is a symbol for deception. 

Aliklil is the second half of the Via Combustua which is difficult for the Moon and adds to the wrath of this Mansion. 

When March 16th ends, the Moon is in Alichlil. 

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