
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Lunar Mansion Report, January 27th, 2025 to February 2nd, 2025

 This is an entry in a continuing series of posts looking at the Moon's position and condition in the week ahead with an eye to the Mansions of the Moon. This is an exercise to help track the speed of the Moon, organize my thoughts on the Mansions, and think about the practical applications. 

All times are for me locally, United States Pacific Time. I will be making note of the Moon's phase, speed, and Mansion position in my assessment. Currently, I'm not considering aspects with other planets.

Lunar Mansion Report, January 27th, 2025, to February 2nd, 2025

Monday, January 27th, 2025. When midnight rolls around and January 26th becomes January 27th, the Moon is in Sadahaca, The Lucky Star of the Slaughterers. She entered this Mansion at 5:42AM the day before. The Moon is in the Waning Crescent phase which supports ending, cutting, and hiding. We will look at the wrathful qualities of the Mansions. 

The Moon will remain in Sadahaca until 5:08AM on Monday at which time she will enter Zaadebola, The Lucky Star of the Devourers. The Moon will move across Zaadebola for 22 hours and 51 minutes. This is swift for the Moon and so magical works may come to fruition quickly but may also dissipate quickly. 

A wrathful Zaadebola has the strength to impose ruin and disease on whomever you wish (Ibn Hatim), damaging assets, causing estrangement between spouses (Gayat al Hakim), divide husbands from their wives, destruction and devastation (Latin Picatrix), and to inflict destruction and wasting (Celestial Magic).

The image for Zaadebola in the Latin Picatrix is a cat with a dog’s head. The wording of this has seemed ambiguous to me for a long time. Does it mean the cat is holding the disembodied head of a dog, like Perseus holding up the head of Medusa? Or, more likely, does it mean the cat does not have a cat’s head but a dog’s head in its place? Either way, in its wrathful form it is a violent image. The head and the body are at odds, each wanting to do violence to the other. Ultimately, neither is left the winner. Pitting a group against its leaders for the purpose of destroying the entire group would be a wrathful work that is strengthened in this Mansion.

The Moon transits across Zaadebola for the remainder of Monday, January 27th, 2025.

Tuesday, January 28th, 2025. The Moon spends the first three hours of Tuesday, January 28th in Zaadebola and moves into the next Mansion, Al S’ad al Su’ud, The Lucky Star of the Lucky, at 3:59AM. The phase is Waning Crescent which strengthens her wrathful powers and promotes endings and hiding. Additionally, the Moon slides into being within 8 degrees of the Sun at 4:36PM, making the aspect Combust which adds to the wrathfulness of her powers.

 The Moon transits across Al S’ad al Su’ud for 22 hours and 23 minutes, which is fast. This may make effects happen more quickly but they may also dissipate more quickly. The Moon leaves Al S’ad al Su’ud at 2:22AM on January 29th.

The wrathful powers of Al S’ad al Su’ud are driving away reptiles (Ibn Hatim), destroy the money of allies, prevent officials from completing their duties (Latin Picatrix), and hindereth the execution of government (Agrippa). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix is a woman breastfeeding a child. In most sources this Mansion is very beneficial. As I have mentioned before I associate this Mansion image with Amalthea, the nymph who hid and nursed baby Zeus. This would suggest to me that keeping plans, projects, or conspiracies hidden from their intended target is accentuated when the Moon is in this Mansion.

The Moon remains in Al S’ad al Su’ud for the rest of January 28th.

Wednesday January 29th, 2025. The Moon only spends less than three hours in Al S’ad al Su’ud on January 29th, moving into the next Mansion at 2:22AM. The next Mansion is named Zaadalahbia, The Lucky Star of Hidden Things. The phase is Waning Crescent and combust until 4:35AM, the Cazimi point of the New Moon. The moment of Cazimi will be extremely beneficial but also extremely brief, about a minute and 43 seconds. Afterward she will be Combust until 7:21PM (8 degree orb). Then her phase will be Waxing Crescent, which is beneficial for beginnings and openings. 

The Moon will be in Zaadalahbia for 21 hours and 59 minutes which is fast and is 24 minutes faster than the last Mansion. This may make works to come to fruition quickly but may also make the effects pass quickly. She will move out of Zaadalahbia at 12:21AM of January 30th. 

Up until the Moon separates from the Combustion with the Sun her powers are wrathful. The wrathful qualities of Zaadalahbia are to besiege cities, take enemies captive and do evil to them, separate wives from husbands, destroy harvests, to bind any part of the human body so it will not function, and strengthen the prisons of captives (Latin Picatrix). 

After 7:21PM her powers will be beneficial. The beneficial powers of Zaadalahbia are improvement of fruit and arable land, protects from blights and calamities from the heavens (Ibn Hatim), protection of orchards and crops, to make messengers convey their messages and return quickly, to secure buildings (Latin Picatrix), strengthens buildings and house protections, promotes fertility (Celestial Magic), and commendable actions, companionship, love, and being kind (Shams al Marif).

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a man planting a tree and spreading seeds. Things developing under the surface are empowered in Zaadalahbia. In its wrathful form keeping things from growing or developing is strengthened. 

The Moon spends almost all of January 29th in Zaadalahbia, from 2:22AM until midnight rolls around and the 29th becomes the 30th.

Thursday, January 30th, 2025. The Moon will still be in Zaadalahbia until 12:21AM before she moves into Al Fargh al Awwal, the Upper Waterspout. The phase is Waxing Crescent which promotes beginnings, openings, and revelations. 

The Moon will transit across Al Fargh al Awwal from 12:21AM until 10:05PM, a period of 21 hours and 46 minutes. This is 13 minutes shorter than the last Mansion and so means she is accelerating. This may make magical workings manifest more quickly but their effects may also pass more quickly. 

The beneficial powers of Al Fargh al Awwal are for love that a woman may entice a man marvelously and promote lust (Ibn Hatim), all sorts of good things, restoring love and friendship, fulfillment of the wish of a traveler to be able to make a trip, stabilizing buildings, safety of travelers by ships (Gayat al Hakim), bind people in mutual love, protect those who travel in wagons, strengthen buildings, for the creation of love (Latin Picatrix), union an love of men, health of captives, love and favor (Agrippa), whatever good you want, creating loving relationships, increasing libido, and cheering up souls with friendship (Shams al Marif).   

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a woman washing her hair in a basin. This is an image of spiritual cleansing as Al Fargh al Awwal controls the subtle and lustral waters, the holy and blessed waters.  

The Moon moves out of Al Fargh al Awwal at 10:05PM on January 30th and then moves into Al Fargh al Thani, the Lower Waterspout, for the last two hours of January 30th. The beneficial powers of Al Fargh al Thani are for successful trade, productive crops, quick recovery from disease (Gayat al Hakim), increase merchandise, increase profit, unite allies, increase harvests, heal illness (Latin Picatrix), and operations of prophecy and foreknowledge (Celestial Magic). 

Friday, January 31st, 2025. When Friday January 31st begins the Moon is in Al Fargh al Thani, which she entered at 10:05PM the day before. The phase is Waxing Crescent. 

It will take the Moon 21 hours and 33 minutes to get through Al Fargh al Thani. This is 13 minutes faster than the previous MansionWhich may make effects dissipate quickly but may also make the effects happen quickly. 

The beneficial powers of Al Fargh al Thani are for successful trade, productive crops, quick recovery from disease (Gayat al Hakim), increase merchandise, increase profit, unite allies, increase harvests, heal illness (Latin Picatrix), and operations of prophecy and foreknowledge (Celestial Magic). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix is a man with wings holding a vessel. Al Fargh al Thani is the Lower Waterspout and represents the waters of physical healing. These are the vivifying waters of life. 

The Moon moves out of Al Fargh al Thani at 7:38PM and makes ingress into Arrexhe. The beneficial powers of Arrexhe are successful trade, productive crops, treatment of disease, ensuring travelers' safety, restoring relationships between spouses (Gayat al Hakim), increase merchandise, increase harvests, to travel and safely return, to cause peace and concord between man and wife, to gather fish together in one place (Latin Picatrix), attract a good catch for fishermen, attract opportunities, conjugal bliss, romanic sentiment, bestow invulnerability and safety to one transversing strange and perilous climes, bind and contain inimical forces (Celestial Magic), help in seeking knowledge, granting prayers, and prospering of virtuous works (Shams al Marif). 

Saturday, February 1st, 2025. The Moon is in Arrexhe at the beginning of Saturday, February 1st. She moved into Arrexhe at 7:38PM the day before and the phase is Waxing Crescent which is powerful for beginnings and foundations. 

The Moon will take 21 hours and 32 minutes to cross Arrexhe, which is one minute faster than the last Mansion. The swift speed of the Moon may make works take effect quickly but may also make them pass quickly. 

The beneficial powers of Arrexhe are successful trade, productive crops, treatment of disease, ensuring travelers' safety, restoring relationships between spouses (Gayat al Hakim), increase merchandise, increase harvests, to travel and safely return, to cause peace and concord between man and wife, to gather fish together in one place (Latin Picatrix), attract a good catch for fishermen, attract opportunities, conjugal bliss, romanic sentiment, bestow invulnerability and safety to one transversing strange and perilous climes, bind and contain inimical forces (Celestial Magic), help in seeking knowledge, granting prayers, and prospering of virtuous works (Shams al Marif).

The image in the Latin Picatrix for Arrexhe is a fish with a colored spine, a bit of sympathetic magic. With a fish bring more fish. 

The Moon ends her journey through Arrexhe at 5:10PM and then steps into Alnath. The beneficial facets of Alnath are for the safety of a traveler (Gayat al Hakim), begin journeys, and take medicine (Latin Picatrix).

Sunday, February 2nd, 2025. When Sunday rolls around the Moon is in Alnath, The Butting One, which she entered at 5:10PM the day before. The phase is Waxing Crescent and supports beginnings, openings, and revelations. 

The Moon will take 21 hours and 31 minutes to go through Alnath. This is one minute faster than the last Mansion which means she is still moving fast which may make effects of magic come to fruition more quickly but may also make them pass more quickly. After Alnath the Moon will begin to slow down again.

The beneficial powers of Alnath are for the safety of a traveler (Gayat al Hakim), begin journeys, and take medicine (Latin Picatrix).

The image in the Latin Picatrix for Alnath is a a black man with his hair wrapped and encircled, standing on his feet, having a spear in his right hand in the manner of a warrior. Alnath is a rather grim Mansion in which works of destruction are empowered. Its beneficial qualities seem to stem mostly from its position as the first Mansion in the tropical reconning. 

The Moon moves out of Alnath at 2:41PM and enters Albotayn, The Little Belly. The beneficial powers of Albotayn are drilling wells and rivers, achieving wishes, digging out buried treasure, help the growth of crops (Gayat al Hakim), for meeting a king and everything you hope for (Ibn Hatim), to dig for streams and wells, find hidden treasures, planting a great deal of wheat, removal of anger (Latin Picatrix), against the wrath of a prince and reconcile with him (Agrippa), conjure spirits to reveal the secrets of hidden treasure, binding and restraining adverse forces, and calm turbulent or negative emotional energies (Celestial Magic). 

The Moon spends the rest of February 2nd in Albotayn. 

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