
Sunday, January 5, 2025

Lunar Mansion Report, January 13th, 2025, to January 19th, 2025

  This an entry in a continuing series of looking at the Moon's position and condition in the week ahead with an eye to the Mansions of the Moon. This is an exercise to help track the speed of the Moon, organize my thoughts on the Mansions, and think about the practical applications. 

All times are for me locally, United States Pacific Time. I will be making note of the Moon's phase, speed, and Mansion position in my assessment. Currently, I'm not considering aspects with other planets.

Lunar Mansion Report, January 13th, 2025 to January 19th, 2025

Monday, January 13th, 2025. The week begins with the Moon in Atarfa, the Glare of the Lion, which it entered the day before at 6:45PM. The Moon will be Full at 2:26PM on this day and will then begin the empowerment of her wrathful tendencies. 

The Moon spends 22 hours and 44 minutes in Atarfa and so is slowing down which may delay the manifestation of the effects of magic done on this day but may add endurance to those effects. 

The wrathful powers of Atarfa are to destroy crops, to make unfortunate those who travel, to do evil to all men,  to cause division and hatred between allies, to cause infirmity (Latin Picatrix), and to inflict failure and weakness (Celestial Magic). 

The image of Atarfa in the Latin Picatrix is a eunuch covering his eyes with his hands. In various sources Atarfa has somewhat negative connotations. The image of a eunuch suggests a certain amount of powerlessness or loss of agency. He covers his eyes which suggests he is hiding or in despair. Magic based in the eyes is strengthened is Atarfa; glamour, the Evil Eye, and similar workings. 

The Moon resides in Atarfa until 5:29PM on January 13th and then moves into the next Mansion, Algebra, the Brow of the Lion. The wrathful qualities enhanced in Algebra include harming an enemy or traveler, to matters worse for captives (Gayat al Hakim), extracting a fetus (Ibn Hatim), and the destruction of enemies (Latin Picatrix). 

Tuesday, January 14th, 2025 dawns with the Moon in Algebha, the Brow of the Lion, which she entered at 5:29PM the day before. The Moon is in the Waning Gibbous phase which promotes decline and diminishment. 

The Moon will be in Algebra until 4:44AM of January 14th, a period of 23 hours and 15 minutes. This is 31 minutes longer than the time she spent in the previous Mansion and so continues to slow down which may delay the effects of a talisman made in this Mansion but may also make it longer lasting. 

The wrathful aspects of Algebra include harming an enemy or traveler, to matters worse for captives (Gayat al Hakim), extracting a fetus (Ibn Hatim), and the destruction of enemies (Latin Picatrix). 

The image for Algebra in the Latin Picatrix is a disembodied lion's head. In general, Algebra is considered a very auspicious Mansion so the list of wrathful powers is rather short. All its powers of healing, strengthening, and easing of childbirth, however, can be turned on its head and a wrathful Algebha working can weaken all these qualities.  

The Moon transits across Algebha until 4:44PM at which point she enters Azobra, the Mane of the Lion. The wrathful powers of Azobra are to besiege cities, to be feared (Latin Picatrix), loss, destruction, binding, fornication, and separation (Liber Lunae). 

Wednesday, January 15th, 2025. At the beginning of January 15th the Moon is in Azobra, the Mane of the Lion, in which she has been since 4:44PM the day before. The Moon is Waning Gibbous on this day which promotes decline and diminishment.

The Moon will spend 23 hours and 47 minutes in Azobra which is 28 minutes longer than she spent in the previous Mansion and so is moving slowly. This may delay the effects of a talisman made in this Mansion but may also make it longer lasting.

The wrathful powers of Azobra are few in the traditional sources and include harming an enemy or traveler, to matters worse for captives (Gayat al Hakim), extracting a fetus (Ibn Hatim), and the destruction of enemies (Latin Picatrix). 

The image of Azobra in the Latin Picatrix is a man riding on the back of a lion with the lion's ear in his grasp. This is a rather tenuous position to be in. While one is seated on the lion's back, holding its ear, they are safe and in control of the lion but they can never let go or get off the lion's back. This tension informs much of my understanding of this Mansion. It is a powerful position but it is also kind of a trap.

The Moon moves out of Azobra at 4:31pm and begins to transit across Azarfa, the Lion's Tail. The wrathful powers of Azarfa are to inflict harm on a person by causing them to lose their assets, breaking ships (Gayat al Hakim), to cause separation, enmity, and hatred between kinsfolk, destroy a place (Ibn Hatim), destruction of riches and ships, separation of lovers (Latin Picatrix), and hindereth seamen (Agrippa). 

Thursday, January 16th, 2025. The Moon is in Azarfa when January 16th begins. She entered Azarfa at 4:31PM the day before. The Moon's phase continues to be Waning Gibbous.

The Moon is moving slowly at this time and will spend 24 hours and 26 minutes in Azarfa, moving out at 4:57PM. This is 55 minutes longer than the previous Mansion. Magic done during a slow Moon may take effect more slowly but also may last longer than under a swift Moon. 

The wrathful powers of Azarfa are to inflict harm on a person by causing them to lose their assets, breaking ships (Gayat al Hakim), to cause separation, enmity, and hatred between kinsfolk, destroy a place (Ibn Hatim), destruction of riches and ships, separation of lovers (Latin Picatrix), and hindereth seamen (Agrippa). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix of Azarfa is a dragon fighting a man. I find the wording of this interesting. The dragon fights the man, the man does not fight the dragon. This is a clue that this Mansion is inimical to people. 

The Moon steps out of Azarfa at 4:57PM and moves into Alawway. A wrathful Alawway can be called upon to bind nobles (Latin Picatrix), destroy ligature spells, and to dissolve charmed against copulation (Celestial Magic). 

Friday, January 17th, 2025.  The Moon begins this day in Alawway, the Wings of Virgo, after having entered this Mansion at 4:57PM the day before. The Moon's phase is Waning Gibbous. 

The Moon is still moving slowly. She transits across Alawway for 25 hours and 21 minutes; from 1/16/25, 4:57PM to 1/17/25, 6:18PM. This is 55 minutes slower than the last Mansion which may delay the effects of magic done during this Mansion but its effects may be longer lasting. 

The wrathful powers of Alawway include binding nobles (Latin Picatrix), destroying ligature spells, and to dissolving charms against copulation (Celestial Magic). 

The image for Alawway in the Latin Picatrix is a red man embracing a white woman. Much is made in various sources about the erotic overtones of this image but this image bears striking resemblance to alchemical allegory. To me the connotations of the harmonious blending of opposites is much more powerful. Neither of these meanings, however, is very apt to Alawway's wrathful aspects. Just like Algebha, Alawway has very few wrathful powers in the traditional sources. 

The Moon leaves Alawway at 6:18PM and then is in Azimech, the Spike of Virgo. The wrathful powers of Azimech are ruining farms and newly planted trees, damaging trusts, harming travelers (Gayat al Hakim), cutting off and enmity (Ibn Hatim), destroy harvests, destroy lust, the destruction of those who go by roads, separating men from women (Latin Picatrix), hindereth journeys by land (Agrippa), disperse inappropriate sexual desire, and cause separation (Celestial Magic). 

Saturday, January 18th, 2025. The Moon is in Azimech when this day begins, having entered that Mansion at 6:18PM the day before. The phase is Waning Gibbous which lends strength to works of diminishment and decline. 

The Moon transmits across Azimech for 24 hours and 14 minutes which is 53 minutes quicker than the last Mansion. It seems to be a little accelerating bump in an otherwise slow period. Maybe my math is off or maybe it is a wobble in the rotation of the Moon. At any rate, the Moon is slow, which may delay the commencement of the magic but may prolong its effects. 

The wrathful Azimech rules ruining farms and newly planted trees, damaging trusts, harming travelers (Gayat al Hakim), cutting off and enmity (Ibn Hatim), destroy harvests, destroy lust, the destruction of those who go by roads, separating men from women (Latin Picatrix), hindereth journeys by land (Agrippa), disperse inappropriate sexual desire, and cause separation (Celestial Magic). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a dog biting its own tail. Taken in its wrathful side this a symbol of futility, as opposed to some kind of ouroboros. Nigel Jackson's Celestial Magic includes an ear of wheat in the image of this Mansion. Its connotations of fertility, growth, and bounty cannot be overstated. Jackson also contends this Mansion is conducive to works of scrying. 

At 7:32PM on the 18th the Moon leaves Azimech and enters Algafra, the Covering. The wrathful powers of Algafra are obstructing a traveler from making his trip, creating discord between spouses, spoiling friendships and partnerships (Gayat al Hakim), destruction of the house of your enemy (Latin Picatrix), helpeth forward divorce, discord, and the destruction of houses and enemies, hindereth travelers (Agrippa), project a curse and inflict discord, hinderance, and rupture on enemies (Celestial Magic). 

Sunday, January 19th, 2025. The Moon is in Algafra, the Covering, when Sunday January 19th begins. The Moon entered Algafra at 7:32PM the day before. The phase is still Waning Gibbous in which works of diminishment and decay are strengthened. 

The Moon will be in Algafra for 25 hours and 56 minutes which seems to be an hour and 42 minutes longer than the previous Mansion and so the Moon continues to move slowly. This may delay the effects from happening but may make the effects more durable. 

The wrathful powers of Algafra are obstructing a traveler from making his trip, creating discord between spouses, spoiling friendships and partnerships (Gayat al Hakim), destruction of the house of your enemy (Latin Picatrix), helpeth forward divorce, discord, and the destruction of houses and enemies, hindereth travelers (Agrippa), project a curse and inflict discord, hinderance, and rupture on enemies (Celestial Magic). 

The image of Algafra in the Latin Picatrix is a man writing a letter. This Mansion's strength is in pacts and agreements. In its wrathful aspects this can mean breaking pacts and agreements. 

The Moon moves out of Algafra at 9:28PM and moves into Azubene, the Horns of the Scorpion. The wrathful powers of Azubene include destruction of merchandise, to put discord between friends, to debauch a woman you desire, to impede those who journey so that they never reach their destination, cause hatred between friends (Latin Picatrix), damage merchant shops, separating friends and spouses, the severe punishment of a wife if the husband so desires, harm a traveling adversary, create discord between partners (Gayat al Hakim), and hindereth journeys and wedlock, harvests and merchandise (Agrippa). 


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