
Thursday, January 2, 2025

Lunar Mansion Report, January 6th, 2025 to January 12th, 2025

 This an entry in a continuing series of looking at the Moon's position and condition in the week ahead with an eye to the Mansions of the Moon. This is an exercise to help track the speed of the Moon, organize my thoughts on the Mansions, and think about the practical applications. 

All times are for me locally, United States Pacific Time. I will be making note of the Moon's phase, speed, and Mansion position in my assessment. Currently, I'm not considering aspects with other planets. 

Lunar Mansion Report, January 6th, 2025 to January 12th, 2025

Monday, January 6th, 2025. The Moon begins this week in Alnath, the first Mansion in the traditional order. The Moon entered Alnath at 11:01AM the day before and this is the last day of it being in the Waxing Crescent phase. The Moon's Waxing Crescent phase will end when she makes a square aspect with the Sun at 3:56PM and enters the Waxing Gibbous phase. The Waxing Gibbous phase gives the Mansions their beneficial attributes but where the Waxing Crescent phase was about beginnings and growth, the Waxing Gibbous phase is about strengthening and building. 

The Moon will transit across Alnath until January 6th at 8:59AM, at which point it will enter Albotayn. That will be 21 hours and 58 minutes in Alnath so she is accelerating and moving fast. Talismans made in this Mansion may take effect quickly but may also lose their effectiveness quickly. 

The beneficial powers of Alnath include guarding against demolition and crushing (Ibn Hatim), travel safely, and improve the efficacy of laxative medicines (Gayat al Hakim, Latin Picatrix, and Agrippa).  

Alnath is the Butting One, a reference to the ram of Aries. Being the first Mansion in order, Alnath has strong connotations of beginning, initiation, and commencements. With the Moon in her Waxing Crescent phase this attribute is strengthened on this day. In the Latin Picatrix the image for this Mansion is a warrior with a spear. Alnath is the figurative tip of the spear. There are also connotations of grim determination associated with Alnath, but the grimness is somewhat lessened by the phase.

At 8:59AM on January 6th the Moon enters Albotayn, the Little Belly, and spends the rest of the day there. The beneficial powers of Albotayn are assistance in digging wells, achieving wishes, and digging out buried treasure (Gayat al Hakim), meeting kings and getting everything you hope for (Ibn Hatim), dig for streams and wells, to find hidden treasures, and for the planting of a great deal of wheat, the removal of anger (Latin Picatrix), against the wrath of a prince (Agrippa), and to conjure spirits to reveal hidden treasure (Celestial Magic). 

Tuesday January 7th, 2025 dawns with the Moon in Albotayn, which she entered at 8:59AM the day before. The Moon is Waxing Gibbous on this day.

It will take the Moon 21 hours and 53 minutes to transit across Albotayn which is 5 minutes after than the previous Mansion and means the Moon is still traveling fast. This may affect the efficacy and durability of magical working during this Mansion.

The beneficial powers of Albotayn are assistance in digging wells, achieving wishes, and digging out buried treasure (Gayat al Hakim), meeting kings and getting everything you hope for (Ibn Hatim), dig for streams and wells, to find hidden treasures, and for the planting of a great deal of wheat, the removal of anger (Latin Picatrix), against the wrath of a prince (Agrippa), and to conjure spirits to reveal hidden treasure (Celestial Magic).

Albotayn means the Little Belly (of the Ram). The image in the Latin Picatrix is a king on a throne. When the beneficial attributes of well digging and finding buried treasure it suggests to me this king may have underworld connotations. It also suggests a storeroom for the king's treasure and thus collecting and holding things as well as authority granted by the acquisition of material things. 

The Moon remains in Albotayn until 6:52AM on January 7th and then moves into Azoraye, the Many Little Ones. The beneficial attributes of Azoraye are for love of a man and woman (Ibn Hatim), the safety of those who travel by sea, the beneficial use of chemistry and fire, for hunting, to promote friendship and love between spouses, and good luck (Gayat al Hakim), the acquisition of all good things, to sail safely and return safely, to complete the works of alchemy and all works done by fire, to hunt in the country, and to cause love between man and wife (Latin Picatrix), and for travel, associating with nobles, and curative medicines (Shams al Marif). 

Wednesday, January 8th, 2025. This day begins with the Moon in Azoraye, which she entered at 6:52AM the day before. The Moon's phase this day is Waxing Gibbous.

The Moon will be in Azoraye until January 8th at 4:44AM, an elapsed time of 21 hours and 52 minutes. Merely a minute less than the previous Mansion. Still moving fast but the acceleration is much, much less and will soon be slowing. 

The beneficial attributes of Azoraye are for love of a man and woman (Ibn Hatim), the safety of those who travel by sea, the beneficial use of chemistry and fire, for hunting, to promote friendship and love between spouses, and good luck (Gayat al Hakim), the acquisition of all good things, to sail safely and return safely, to complete the works of alchemy and all works done by fire, to hunt in the country, and to cause love between man and wife (Latin Picatrix), and for travel, associating with nobles, and curative medicines (Shams al Marif). 

The indicator stars for Azoraye are the Pleiades, a group of seven stars close together. This is the reason Azoraye is called the Many Little Ones. The Pleiades collectively were one of the 15 Behenian Stars. According to Agrippa it assembles spirits, raises winds, and reveals secret and hidden things. Traditionally, it was considered auspicious for clarity of vision, both natural and supernatural. The image in the Latin Picatrix is a woman seated on a throne with her right hand above her head. 

The Moon moves out of Azoraye at 4:44AM on January 8th and moves into Aldebaran. The beneficial powers of Aldebaran are to kill and bind reptiles and venomous animals (Latin Picatrix), attract honor and riches, and promote irresistible endurance (Celestial Magic).

Thursday January 9th, 2025The Moon continues to transit across Aldebaran until 2:32AM on the morning of January 9th. The Moon entered Aldebaran at 4:44am the day before. The Moon will be Waxing Gibbous. 

The Moon will be in Aldebaran for 21 hours and 52 minutes which is exactly the same as the previous Mansion. The Moon is still moving fast but it is no longer accelerating. A fast Moon's effects suggest that results may come quickly but also dissipate quickly. 

The beneficial aspects of Aldebaran are to kill and bind reptiles and venomous animals (Latin Picatrix), attract honor and riches, and promote irresistible endurance (Celestial Magic).

Aldebaran is the Bull's Eye. When thinking of the beneficial powers of this Mansion the Hindu mythology of the goddess Rohini is appropriate. Rohini is beautiful, sensuous, and the most beloved of the Moon god Chandra's 27 consorts. 

The Moon moves out of Aldebaran at 2:32AM and then spends the rest of the day in Almices. The beneficial powers of Almices are promoting the welfare of children, advancing their education, for the safety of a traveler as well as a speedy voyage (Gayat al Hakim), nobles will satisfy your desires, the evil caused by your enemies will be postponed (Ibn Hatim), make youths learn arts and occupations, the salvation of travelers and so they quickly return, for sailors to travel safely, to improve buildings, favor between husband and wife, and receive good from kings and officials (Latin Picatrix).

Friday, January 10th, 2025. The Moon will be in three Mansions during the course of the 24 hours of January 10th. At midnight on the morning of January 10th the Moon is in Almices, having moved into that Mansion at 2:32AM the day before. She will remain in Almices until 12:23AM, only 23 minutes of the 10th of January. The rest of the day the Moon will be in Alchaya until 10:17PM, when she moves into Aldira. The Moon's phase will be Waxing Gibbous.

The Moon will be in Almices for 21 hours and 51 minutes. Technically, this is an acceleration by a minute but my calculations may be incorrect. At any rate, it will be safe to say it is still slowing which will add to the durability of magical workings but may delay the effects. 

The beneficial powers of Almices are promoting the welfare of children, advancing their education, for the safety of a traveler as well as a speedy voyage (Gayat al Hakim), nobles will satisfy your desires, the evil caused by your enemies will be postponed (Ibn Hatim), make youths learn arts and occupations, the salvation of travelers and so they quickly return, for sailors to travel safely, to improve buildings, favor between husband and wife, and receive good from kings and officials (Latin Picatrix).

The image of Almices in the Latin Picatrix is a disembodied head. This is the head of Orion, the hunter, who was blinded for the crime of rape by granted second sight by Eos, goddess of the dawn, when he sailed beyond the horizon in the east. 

At 12:23AM the Moon transits into Achaya. The beneficial powers of Achaya are promoting the welfare of partners and the conditions of hunting (Gayat al Hakim), to bring love, medical treatment (Ibn Hatim), cause friendship and love between two people, to improve hunting in the country (Latin Picatrix), companionship, and gathering those far away and separated (Shams al Marif). 

The Moon stays in Achaya until 10:17PM and then moves into Aldira. The Moon transits across Achaya for 21 hours and 54 minutes. She is still moving fast but continues to slow down. 

The image of Achaya in the Latin Picatrix is a white man embracing a white woman. Achaya means the Mark, as in a brand that identifies livestock as property. It is the wedding ring that binds spouses and rules commitments and vows. 

The Moon moves into Aldira at 10:17PM. The beneficial powers of Aldira are the blessing of trade and crops, safety of a voyager, reconciliation between partners and friends, preventing flies to enter a place of trade and spoiling the product, fulfillment of a wish from a ruler or dignitary you hope to meet, promoting the welfare of escaped slaves (Gayat al Hakim), for binding spirits (Ibn Hatim), increase merchandise and profit, travel safely, increase crops, sail beneficially, cause friendship between friends and allies, cause kings and other lords too be benevolent, the acquisition of all good things (Latin Picatrix), curing diseases, devotion, seeking truth, and opening the heavenly realm (Shams al Marif). 

Saturday, January 11th, 2025. When this day begins the Moon is in Aldira, the Forearm, which it entered at 10:17PM the day before. The Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous.

The Moon will be in Aldira until 8:24PM which means she spends 22 hours and 7 minutes in this Mansion which is 7 minutes longer than the last Mansion and she continues to slow down. Magic during a slowing Moon may come about more slowly but may be more durable and long lasting. 

The beneficial powers of Aldira are the blessing of trade and crops, safety of a voyager, reconciliation between partners and friends, preventing flies to enter a place of trade and spoiling the product, fulfillment of a wish from a ruler or dignitary you hope to meet, promoting the welfare of escaped slaves (Gayat al Hakim), for binding spirits (Ibn Hatim), increase merchandise and profit, travel safely, increase crops, sail beneficially, cause friendship between friends and allies, cause kings and other lords too be benevolent, the acquisition of all good things (Latin Picatrix), curing diseases, devotion, seeking truth, and opening the heavenly realm (Shams al Marif).

Aldira means the Forearm. The indicator stars for this Mansion are Castor and Pollox the Dioscori Twins from myth. Interestingly these stars have been associated with mythic twins across different cultures all the way back to the ancient Babylonians. One twin is mortal, the other immortal and they switch between the mortal realm and the Underworld. The image in the Latin Picatrix is a man entreating to heaven as if in prayer. I see this as the twin in the mortal realm calling to the twin in the Underworld. 

The Moon is in Aldira until 8:24PM at which time she moves to Annathra. The beneficial powers of Annathra are for reconciling love and friendship to an estranged couple, the welfare of travelers (Gayat al Hakim), to excel in battle, (Ibn Hatim), for love and friendship, and for the safe travel of those who travel in wagons through the countryside, and to cause friendship between allies, gaining victory (Latin Picatrix), increase protective force and grant a victorious outcome in contests, promotes sympathy, friendship and like-minded company (Celestial Magic). 

Sunday, January 12th, 2025. At the beginning of Sunday, January 12th, the Moon is in Annathra, which she entered at 8:24PM the day before. The Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous. 

The Moon will be in Annathra for 22 hours and 21 minutes continuing to slow down. Magic during a slowing Moon may come about more slowly but may be more durable and long lasting.

The beneficial powers of Annathra are for reconciling love and friendship to an estranged couple, the welfare of travelers (Gayat al Hakim), to excel in battle, (Ibn Hatim), for love and friendship, and for the safe travel of those who travel in wagons through the countryside, and to cause friendship between allies, gaining victory (Latin Picatrix), increase protective force and grant a victorious outcome in contests, promotes sympathy, friendship and like-minded company (Celestial Magic). 

Annathra is the Gap and is the first Mansion in a series of lion references. The gap is the gap between the jaws of the lion. As such this Mansion is powerful for evading danger and gaining victory in conflicts. The image in the Latin Picatrix is an eagle with a man's face, an image with militaristic overtones. 

The Moon will be in Annathra until 6:45PM and then will pass into Atarfa. The beneficial powers of Atarfa include emoving ophthalmia and disease of the eyes and the flow of blood (Ibn Hatim), to help a man defend himself from being attacked by another man (Latin Picatrix), and to gain protection against the machinations of rivals and against claims made upon a person by another (Celestial Magic). 

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