Monday, March 3, 2025

Lunar Mansion Report, March 10th, 2025 to March 16th, 2025

   This is an entry in a continuing series of posts looking at the Moon's position and condition in the week ahead with an eye to the Mansions of the Moon. This is an exercise to help track the speed of the Moon, organize my thoughts on the Mansions, and think about the practical applications. 

All times are for me locally, United States Pacific Time. I will be making note of the Moon's phase, speed, and Mansion position in my assessment. Currently, I'm not considering aspects with other planets.

Lunar Mansion Report, March 10th, 2025 to March 16th, 2025.

Monday, March 10th, 2025. The Moon is traveling through Algebha when March 10th begins. She continues through Algebha until 7:00am and then moves into the next Mansion, Azobra, the Mane of the Lion. The phase is Waxing Gibbous which is good for works of strengthening and building upon an existing foundation. The Moon is Waxing and considered beneficial.

The Moon had traveled through Algebha for 24 hours exactly. She will travel through Azobra between 7:00AM on March 10th until 7:24AM on March 11th, a period of 24 hours and 24 minutes and 24 minutes longer than Algebha. This means she is slow and slowing down. A slow Moon may delay the effects of magical works but may also make them more enduring. 

The beneficial powers of Azobra are to rescue captives, to organize trade and profit from it, for travelers on the road to travel safely and unharmed, to strengthen buildings, increase the wealth of allies, to be feared and receive good things (Latin Picatrix), for fear, reverence, and veneration (Agrippa), to regain lost affection, and to enjoy prosperity and an optimistic mindset (Celestial Magic). 

The image for this Mansion in the Latin Picatrix is a man riding the back of a lion holding its ear in his hand. In its most beneficial aspect the lion is fully controlled by the figure on its back and adds its ferocity and strength to the figure’s bearing (despite the figure’s somewhat precarious position). This concept of being next to danger but safe from it is a big theme of Azobra.

Tuesday, March 11th, 2025. When March 11 begins, the Moon is in Azobra, the Mane of the Lion and remains there until 7:24AM, at which point she steps into Azarfa, the Lion's Tail. The Moon continues through Azarfa for the rest of March 11th. The Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous which is best for works of building, growing, and strengthening. 

It will take the Moon 24 hours and 50 minutes to cross Azarfa, between 7:24AM on March 11th until 8:14AM March 12th. This is slower than the previous Mansion by 26 minutes and so the Moon is slow and slowing down. A slow Moon may make effects manifest more slowly but may also make the effects more durable. 

The beneficial powers of Asarfa are increasing farms and newly planted trees, promoting the welfare of partners as well as for reconciling differences between them for improved work conditions and product, improving conditions for successful hunting (Gayat al Hakim), increase harvests, the improvement of allies, officials, captives, and servants that they will be steadfast and honest (Latin Picatrix), and brings help and benevolence (Celestial Magic).

In the Latin Picatrix the image for this Mansion is a dragon fighting a man made in black lead. It is described as an image of breaking and separating. In its beneficial form this image could be used to break from addiction or unhealthy situations or relationships. 

As March 11th ends, the Moon is in Azarfa. 

Wednesday, March 12th, 2025. As March 12th begins at midnight the Moon is in Azarfa, the Tail of the Lion. At 8:14AM the Moon moves into Alawway, the Barkers. The phase is Waxing Gibbous but getting pretty close to being Full. A Waxing Gibbous Moon is good for works of improving, ripening, and advancing to the next stage of improvement. 

The Moon transits across Alawway between 8:14AM on March 12th until 9:25AM on March 13th. This is a period of 25 hours and 11 minutes and is 21 minutes slower than the previous Mansion. This means the Moon is slow and decelerating. A slow Moon can make magic more long lasting but may also delay the effects from happening. 

The beneficial powers of Alawway include promoting trade and farms, enhancing the welfare of a traveler, the consumption of marriage between spouses, for releasing captives, to contact kings and dignitaries (Gayat al Hakim), for the excitation of sexual intercourse (Ibn Hatim), increase of trade and profit, increase of harvests, completion of buildings, for the liberation of men who are not able to come to women, to put love between a man and a woman, to dissolve binding that a man will be able to perform with a woman (Latin Picatrix), for benevolence, gain, voyages, harvests, and freedom of captives (Agrippa), for learning every kind of thing (Shams al Marif). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a red man embracing a white woman. This is an image of oppisites joining into a harmonious whole. The sexual overtones of this image suggest that each of the opposites desires unity with the other and the power dynamic is more or less equitable. 

The Moon remains in Alawway for the remainder of March 12th.

Thursday, March 13th, 2025. March 13th begins with the Moon in Alawway, the Barkers. She will be in that Mansion until 9:25AM and will then make ingress into Azimech, the Spike of Virgo. The Moon's phase for the majority of the day is Waxing Gibbous, which is good for building up and strengthening. At 10:55PM the Moon makes the opposition aspect with the Sun and is Full. From that moment the Moon's phase is Waning Gibbous and the wrathful aspects come into play. The Waning Gibbous phase is best for works of diminishment and decay. 

The Moon will be in Azimech from 9:25AM on March 13th until 10:58AM on March 14th. That is 25 hours and 23 minutes and is 12 minutes longer than the last Mansion. The Moon is slow at this speed and she is slowing down. A slow Moon can slow down the effects of magical works and may make them long lasting. 

The beneficial powers of Azimech include reconciling differences between spouses, recovery from illness (Gayat al Hakim), for the love of man and wife, heal the sick, for the benefit of kings thatchy might ascend to their reign, the safety of sailors, the friendship of allies (Latin Picatrix), attract friendship, improve personal fortune, empowers bowl divination and scrying operations (Celestial Magic). 

The wrathful powers of Azimech are cutting off and enmity (Ibn Hatim), to destroy harvests and plants, to destroy lust, for the destruction of those who go by roads, to separate men from women (Latin Picatrix), to hindereth journeys by land (Agrippa), to disperse inappropriate sexual desire or cause a separation (Celestial Magic). 

The image of this Mansion in the Latin Picatrix is a dog biting its own tail. This may be a symbol of futility but it may also be some kind of ouroboros. Nigel Jackson's Celestial Magic includes an ear of wheat in the image of this Mansion. Its connotations of fertility, growth, and bounty cannot be overstated. The dog turns in its cycle, ever striving to its goal. 

When midnight rolls around the Moon is in Azimech. 

Friday, March 14th, 2025. The Moon is in Azimech, the Spike of Virgo, when March 14th begins. She remains in this Mansion until 10:58AM and then moves into Algaphra, The Covering. The phase is Waning Gibbous which is strong for division, subtraction, lessening, and weakening. 

The Moon will transit across Algaphra from 10:58AM on March 14th until 12:46PM March 15th. This is 25 hours and 48 minutes and is 25 minutes longer than the Mansion before. This means the Moon is in a slow period and is still decelerating. A slow Moon can slow down the manifestation of any magical works but can also lend endurance to those effects. 

The wrathful powers of Algafra are obstructing a traveler from making a trip, creating discord between spouses, spoiling friendships between friends, ruining partnerships, destruction of communities and towns (Gayat al Hakim), to scatter enemies from an area, and the destruction of the house of your enemies (Latin Picatrix). 

The image for this Mansion in the Latin Picatrix is a man writing a letter. The specialty of this Mansion is agreements, pacts, and contracts. In its wrathful form it can mean the breaking of pacts.

The Moon will be in Algaphra from 10:58AM until midnight of March 14th.

Saturday, March 15th, 2025. The Moon is slowly traveling across Algaphra, the Covering, when March 15th begins. She will remain in Algaphra until 12:46PM and will then move into Azubene, the Horns of the Scorpion. The phase is Waning Gibbous and works of decline and loss are indicated. 

The Moon will be in Azubene from 12:46PM on March 15th until 2:46PM on March 16th, 26 hours exactly. This is 12 minutes longer than the previous Mansion and is quite slow generally. And yet, she still decelerates. A slow Moon may delay the effects of magic but may also make them last longer. 

The wrathful powers of Azubene include destruction of merchandise, to put discord between friends, to debauch a woman you desire, to impede those who journey so that they never reach their destination, cause hatred between friends (Latin Picatrix), damage merchant shops, separating friends and spouses, the severe punishment of a wife if the husband so desires, harm a traveling adversary, create discord between partners (Gayat al Hakim), and hindereth journeys and wedlock, harvests and merchandise (Agrippa). 

The image for Azubene in the Latin Picatrix is a man holding scales and weighing. The Horns of the Scorpion became the claws of the scorpion which became the cups of a scale. Discernment, judgement, and valuation are the keywords for Azubene. In its wrathful forms, it can obscure the value of things like relationships and ruin business deals. In Nigel Jackson's Celestial Magic this Mansion is given the power of enhancing sciomancy and necromantic operations to communicate with the shades of the dead. 

Azubene is the first half of the Via Combusta, the Fiery Way which is detrimental to the Moon and enhances the wrathful aspects.

The Moon will be in Azubene for the remainder of March 15th.

Sunday, March 16th, 2025. The Moon is in Azubene, the Horns of the Scorpion, when March 16th begins at midnight and the Moon will continue through Azubene until 2:46PM. After that she will step into Alichlil, the Crown of the Scorpion. The phase is Waning Gibbous which is best for works of weakening, damaging, and diminishing.

The Moon will be in Alichlil from 2:46PM on March 16th until 4:54PM on March 17th. This is 26 hours and 8 minutes and is the extreme of the Moon's slow period this cycle. She is slow and has decelerated a further 8 minutes. A slow Moon may delay the effects of magical works but may also make them long lasting. 

 The wrathful powers of Alichlil are isolating cities (Gayat al Hakim), to improve deception, and to besiege cities and villages (Latin Picatrix). The power of expelling thieves will be listed as a beneficial power and a wrathful power.  

The image of Aliklil in the Latin Picatrix is a monkey holding its hands up above its shoulders. I imagine this gesture to resemble a criminal putting their hands up at being apprehended. The monkey and its ability to imitate is a symbol for deception. 

Aliklil is the second half of the Via Combustua which is difficult for the Moon and adds to the wrath of this Mansion. 

When March 16th ends, the Moon is in Alichlil. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Lunar Mansion Report, March 3rd, 2025 to March 9th, 2025

    This is an entry in a continuing series of posts looking at the Moon's position and condition in the week ahead with an eye to the Mansions of the Moon. This is an exercise to help track the speed of the Moon, organize my thoughts on the Mansions, and think about the practical applications. 

All times are for me locally, United States Pacific Time. I will be making note of the Moon's phase, speed, and Mansion position in my assessment. Currently, I'm not considering aspects with other planets.

Lunar Mansion Report, March 3rd, 2025 to March 9th, 2025.

Monday, March 3rd, 2025. When Monday begins at midnight on March 3rd the Moon is in Azoraye, the Many Little Ones, a very beneficial Mansion. Then, at 4:41PM the Moon moves into Aldebaran, the Bull's Eye and finishes March 3rd in that Mansion. The phase is Waxing Crescent, which is good for works of beginning and establishment. 

The Moon will spend 21 hours and 6 minutes in Azoraye and the 21 hours and 21 minutes in Aldebaran. This is a fast period for the Moon but she is slowing down. A fast Moon may make magical works happen quickly but may also make those effects dissipate quickly. 

The beneficial powers of Azoraye are for the safety of those who travel by sea, the beneficial use of chemistry and fire, for hunting, for promoting friendship and love between spouses, good luck (Gayat al Hakim), for the love of man and woman (Ibn Hatim), the acquisition of all good things (Latin Picatrix), happy fortune, attract well being, contain negative forces, protection in dangerous environments, and for potent love spells (Celestial Magic), making talismans suitable for women, and making curative medicines (Shams al Marif).   

The image in the Latin Picatrix for Azoraye is a seated woman with her right hand above her head. Given the overwhelming positivity associated with this Mansion this is most likely a gesture of blessing. The traditional indicator stars for this Mansion are the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, a grouping of stars with a long and legendary past. The Pleiades are one of the 15 Behenian stars whose powers include, according to Agrippa, "brings an increase to light of the eyes, collects daemons, promotes winds, and reveals secrets and hidden things." And the image is "a virgin girl or the figure of a torch".

The beneficial powers of Aldebaran are to kill and bind reptiles and venomous animals (Latin Picatrix), to make infatuated one who you wish (Ibn Hatim), attract honor and riches, promote irresistible endurance (Celestial Magic). 

The image of Aldebaran in the Latin Picatrix is a knight on horseback holding a viper in his hand. This image is very similar to more than a few goetic spirits from the Lemegeton. In its beneficial face I look more to the approximate Nakshatra, Rohini, the Red Goddess, who has connotations of love, beauty, luxury, romance, and sensual eroticism. 

From 4:41PM until the end of March 3rd at midnight, the Moon is in Aldebaran.

Tuesday, March 4th, 2025. March 4th begins with the Moon in Aldebaran, the Bull's Eye. She will transit through Aldebaran until 2:02PM and then make ingress into Almices, the Bright One. The phase continues to be Waxing Crescent and supports work of beginning and establishment.

The Moon will travel through Aldebaran from 4:41PM on March 3rd until 2:02PM on March 4th. That is a period of 21 hours and 21 minutes, which is fast. The Moon will be in Almices from 2:02PM on March 4th until 11:46AM on March 5th, 21 hours and 44 minutes. Since this is 23 minutes longer than Aldebaran the Moon is slowing down. A fast Moon may make magical works take effect quickly but also may help them to dissipate quickly. 

The beneficial powers of Almices are for the welfare of children, for advancing education, for the safety of travelers, for the safe structure of buildings, promoting the reconciliation between spouses (Gayat al Hakim), your desires will be satisfied by kings and nobles (Ibn Hatim), for youths to learn arts, salvation of travelers, for sailors to travel safely, improve buildings, for favor between husband and wife, to receive good from kings and officials, to see things in sleep (Latin Picatrix), potent for lamp oracles and divinations, aids all memory, mental powers, and intellectual endeavors, protection from harm, and social success and favor (Celestial Magic).

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a disembodied head. I take this to be the head of the hunter Orion, whose constellation is nearby. Orion's name means the "dweller on the mountain" and he was a skilled hunter. The king Oenopion promised Orion that if he could rid the island of dangerous beasts that plagued it, he would promise his daughter to Orion. Orion rid the island of the beasts but when the time came for the marriage, the king refused. In a drunken rage Orion raped the princess. King Oenopion had Orion's eyes put out and dumped him on the seashore. An oracle declared that if Orion traveled to the east to the edge of the furthest ocean and turned his eye sockets to the sun when it first rose from the sea, his sight would be restored. Orion did this and when the sun rose, Eos, Goddess of the dawn, saw him, fell in love with him and restored his sight. Thus Almices has connotations of redemption and spiritual sight. 

From 2:02PM until midnight on March 4th the Moon remains in Almices

Wednesday March 5th, 2025. The Moon is in Almices, the Bright One, when March 5th begins. She continues in Almices until 11:46AM and then will step into Alhana, the Mark. The phase is Waxing Crescent and March 5th is the last full day of that phase. The Waxing Crescent phase strengthens works of establishment, renewal, and beginnings.

The Moon will spend 22 hours and 7 minutes in Alhana. This is 23 minutes longer than the previous Mansion and so she is slowing down, but it is still shorter than 23 hours and 35 minutes and so the Moon is in a fast period. A fast Moon tends to speed up the manifestation of magical effects as well as the duration of those effects. 

 The beneficial powers of Alhana are promoting the welfare of partners, improving the conditions for hunting (Gayat al Hakim), for love, for medical treatment (Ibn Htim), cause friendship between two people, improve hunting in the country, to put love between two people (Latin Picatrix), break resistance (Celestial Magic), and for gathering with those far away and separated (Shams al Marif).

The image for this Mansion in the Latin Picatrix is a white man embracing a white woman. The title The Mark refers to a mark signifying ownership, like a brand on livestock. This is a Mansion of declaring commitments. Another symbol for it might be a wedding ring. The white man and the white woman are twin halves of a whole and Alhana weds them together. 

From 11:46AM until the end of the day the Moon remains in Alhana.

Thursday, March 6th, 2025. The Moon is transiting across Alhana at the start of March 6th but will move to the next Mansion, Aldira, The Forearm, at 9:53AM. Shortly before that, at 8:31AM, the Moon makes a square aspect with the Sun and the phase becomes Waxing Gibbous. The Waxing Gibbous phase is best for works of ripening, fulfillment, and strengthening. 

The Moon travels through Aldira from 9:53AM on March 6th until 8:28AM on March 7th. This is a period of 22 hours and 35 minutes, 26 minutes longer than the previous Mansion. Thus she is fast and decelerating. A fast Moon can push works to take effect quickly but may also help them to pass quickly. 

The beneficial powers of Aldira are blessing trade and crops, safety of voyagers, reconciliation between partners and friends, preventing flies from entering a place of trade where they may spoil the product, the fulfillment of a wish by a ruler or dignitary (Gayat al Hakim), entering in the presence of the sultan, for binding spirits (Ibn Hatim), increase merchandise and profit, to travel safely, increase crops, to sail beneficially on the water, cause friendship, cause lords to be benevolent, for the acquisition of all good things (Latin Picatrix), for devotion and seeking truth, and spiritual cures (Shams al Marif). 

The image for this Mansion is a man raising his arms as if supplicating to heaven. The traditional indicator stars for this Mansion are Castor and Pollox, the twins from Greek myth. These stars have been equated with twins for a long, long time. One was a celestial twin the other was an underworld twin. The man with his hands raised is one twin calling to the other in the other world. This is a Mansion suited to creating spiritual alliances.  

The Moon finishes March 6th in Aldira. 

Friday, March 7th, 2025. From midnight on March 7th until 8:28AM that morning, the Moon is is Aldira, the Forearm. After that, she moves into Annathra, The Gap. The phase is Waxing Gibbous which is best for works of strengthening, ripening, and fulfillment. 

The Moon will be in Annathra from 8:28AM on March 7th until 7:30AM on March 8th. This is 22 hours and 58 minutes long which is 23 minutes longer than the previous Mansion. The Moon is moving fast but slowing down. A fast Moon can hasten magical effects but may also may hasten their end. 

The beneficial powers of Annathra are reconciling love and friendship to an estranged couple, the welfare of a traveler, repel mice and bedbugs (Gayat al Hakim), to excel in battles (Ibn Hatim), and for gaining victory (Latin Picatrix). 

The image for Annathra in the Latin Picatrix is an eagle with a man's face. The eagle is a frequent military image signifying fierceness, speed, and power. Annathra’s title, The Gap, was imagined to be the gap between the lion constellation’s jaws, or maybe under his chin. The essence of Annathra’s power to grant victory in battle is in being able to escape danger.

The Moon is in Annathra from 8:28AM until the day ends at midnight. 

Saturday, March 8th, 2025. The Moon spends the wee hours of March 8th in Annathra, the Gap, and then, at 7:30AM moves into Atarfa, the Glance of the Lion. The phase is Waxing Gibbous. The Waxing Gibbous phase favors works of fulfillment, strengthening, and ripening. 

 The Moon will spend 23 hours and 30 minutes in Atarfa, from 7:30AM on March 8th until 7:00AM on March 9th. This is nearly the average speed for the Moon to cross a Mansion, albeit slightly on the fast side. This is also 32 minutes longer than the last Mansion and so she is fast and slowing down. A fast Moon may help works to happen quickly but may also help to extinguish those effects quickly.  

The beneficial powers of Atarfa include removing diseases of the eyes (Ibn Hatim), help defend a man from being attacked (Latin Picatrix), protection against curses and slander (Celestial Magic).

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a eunuch covering his eyes with his hands. In multiple sources this Mansion has rather negative connotations so the list of beneficial powers is light. 

The Moon finishes March 8th in Atarfa.

Sunday March 9th, 2025. The first seven hours of March 9th see the Moon in Atarfa, The Glare of the Lion. After 7:00AM she makes ingress into Algebha, the Brow of the Lion. The phase is Waxing Gibbous and thus works of ripening, fulfillment, and strengthening.

The Moon spends exactly 24 hours in Algebha, from 7:00AM on March 9th to 7:00AM on March 10th. This is the beginning of a slow period for the Moon. Additionally, this is 30 minutes longer than the previous Mansion so she is continuing to slow down. A slow Moon may delay the effects of magical works but may also make them more enduring. 

The beneficial powers of Algebha are reconciling differences between spouses, strengthening the structure of a building, bringing partners together for their mutual benefit (Gayat al Hakim), curing diseases, to see wonders (Ibn Hatim), for love between husband and wife, the strengthening and completion of buildings, for the love of allies and fore their mutual help, cure infirmities, ease childbirth (Latin Picatrix), attract optimism and benevolence, and it is efficacious for all love magic (Celestial Magic). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a lion's head. The Mansion embodies the symbolic qualities of a lion; strength, power, and nobility. The traditional indicator star for this Mansion is Regulus, Cor Leonis, the Heart of the Lion, also called the King Star. Regulus is one of the 15 Behenian Stars. Agrippa writes, "Under Cor Leonis they made an image of a lion, cat, or the figure of a respected man sitting in a chair: these make a man temperate, keep anger away, and give grace."

The Moon transits across Algebha from 7:00AM until March 9th ends at midnight. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Lunar Mansion Report, February 24th, 2025 to March 2nd, 2025

    This is an entry in a continuing series of posts looking at the Moon's position and condition in the week ahead with an eye to the Mansions of the Moon. This is an exercise to help track the speed of the Moon, organize my thoughts on the Mansions, and think about the practical applications. 

All times are for me locally, United States Pacific Time. I will be making note of the Moon's phase, speed, and Mansion position in my assessment. Currently, I'm not considering aspects with other planets.

Lunar Mansion Report, February 24th, 2025 to March 2nd, 2025.

Monday, February 24th, 2025. The Moon begins February 24th in Zaadebola, The Lucky Star of the Swallowers, and remains in that Mansion until 2:04PM. At that point she moves into S'ad al Su'ud, The Lucky Star of the Lucky. The phase is Waning Crescent, which is best for works of endings and concealment. 

The Moon spent 23 hours and 6 minutes in Zaadebola and will spend 22 hours and 29 minutes in S'ad al Su'ud by the time she steps out at 12:33PM on February 25th. This means the Moon is in a fast period and accelerating. A fast Moon tends to make effects happen quickly but may also contribute to effects passing quickly. 

A wrathful Zaadebola has the strength to impose ruin and disease on whomever you wish (Ibn Hatim), damaging assets, causing estrangement between spouses (Gayat al Hakim), divide husbands from their wives, destruction and devastation (Latin Picatrix), and to inflict destruction and wasting (Celestial Magic).

The image for Zaadebola in the Latin Picatrix is a cat with a dog’s head. The wording of this has seemed ambiguous to me for a long time. Does it mean the cat is holding the disembodied head of a dog, like Perseus holding up the head of Medusa? Or, more likely, does it mean the cat does not have a cat’s head but a dog’s head in its place? Either way, in its wrathful form it is a violent image. The head and the body are at odds, each wanting to do violence to the other. Ultimately, neither is left the winner. Pitting a group against its leaders for the purpose of destroying the entire group would be a wrathful work that is strengthened in this Mansion.

The wrathful powers of Al S’ad al Su’ud are driving away reptiles (Ibn Hatim), destroy the money of allies, prevent officials from completing their duties (Latin Picatrix), and hindereth the execution of government (Agrippa). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix is a woman breastfeeding a child. In most sources this Mansion is very beneficial. As I have mentioned before I associate this Mansion image with Amalthea, the nymph who hid and nursed baby Zeus. This would suggest to me that keeping plans, projects, or conspiracies hidden from their intended target is accentuated when the Moon is in this Mansion.

February 24th ends at midnight with the Moon in S'ad al Su'ud. 

Tuesday, February 25th, 2025. The Moon is swiftly flying through Al S'ad al Su'ud for the first half of February 25th. At 12:33PM the Moon makes ingress into Zaadalahbia, The Lucky Star of Hidden Things. The phase is Waning Crescent which strengthens works of cutting off, abrupt endings, and concealment. 

It will take the Moon 21 hours and 52 minutes to transit across Zaadelahbia from 12:33PM on February 25th until 10:25AM on February 26th. This is 37 minutes less than the previous Mansion. The Moon is moving fast and accelerating. A fast Moon contributes to magic manifesting quickly but can also make the effects less enduring.  

The wrathful qualities of Zaadalahbia are to besiege cities, take enemies captive and do evil to them, separate wives from husbands, destroy harvests, to bind any part of the human body so it will not function, and strengthen the prisons of captives (Latin Picatrix). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a man planting a tree and spreading seeds. Things developing under the surface are empowered in Zaadalahbia. In its wrathful form keeping things from growing or developing is strengthened.

From 12:33PM until midnight, the Moon continues in Zaadelahbia. 

Wednesday, February 26th, 2025. As February 26th begins, the Moon is in Zaadelahbia, the Lucky Star of Hidden things. At 10:25AM the Moon then moves into the first of the watery Mansions, Al Fargh al Awwal, The Upper Waterspout. The phase is still Waning Crescent. A Waning Crescent Moon is wrathful and is best for abrupt endings and cutting off. 

The Moon is still speeding along and going faster. 21 hours and 27 minutes is the length of time it will take the Moon to fully travel Al Fargh al Awwal, ending at 7:52AM on February 27th. This is 25 minutes faster than the previous Mansion. A fast Moon can make magic happen more quickly but may also make those effects dissipate more quickly. 

The wrathful powers of Al Fargh al Awwal include damaging the relationships between partners, restraining a captive and torturing him (Gayat al Hakim), and destroyeth prisons and buildings (Agrippa). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a woman washing her hair in a basin. This is an image of spiritual cleansing as Al Fargh al Awwal controls the subtle and lustral waters, the holy and blessed waters. 

The Moon is still in Al Fargh al Awwal when February 27th ends. 

Thursday, February 27th, 2025. February 27th sees changes to the Moon's condition, starting at 2:34AM when the Moon moves to within 8˚ of the Sun and thus becomes combust. This is detrimental to the Moon and greatly enhances her wrathful condition. Then, at 7:52AM she moves into the next Mansion, Al Fargh al Thani, the Lower Waterspout. Later in the day, at 4:44PM, the Sun and Moon form a conjunction aspect and for roughly 90 seconds the Moon phase is Cazimi, which is intensely beneficial. Then Moon is combust again until she passes 8˚ away from the Sun. Except for the first couple of hours and the brief moment of Cazimi, the Moon spends almost all of February 27th being combust and very wrathful. 

It will take 21 hours and 5 minutes for the Moon to get through Al Fargh al Thani, 22 minutes faster than the last Mansion. The Moon is fast and accelerating. A fast Moon can make magic happen quickly but may also make effects dissipate quickly. 

The wrathful powers of Al Fargh al Thani include damaging the assets of a person you are concerned with, damaging the relationship between spouses, hurting someone riding on a ship, prolonging the captivity of a prisoner (Gayat al Hakim), to impede the building of buildings, and for the destruction of springs and wells (Latin Picatrix).  

The image in the Latin Picatrix is a man with wings holding a vessel. Al Fargh al Thani is the Lower Waterspout and represents the waters of physical healing. These are the vivifying waters of life. In Nigel Jackson's Celestial Magic, he suggests Al Fargh al Thani is powerful for operations of prophecy and foreknowledge. 

When midnight comes on February 27th the Moon is in Al Fargh al Thani, combust and moving fast. 

Friday, February 28th, 2025. The Moon is in Al Fargh al Thani when February 28th begins. Then at 4:57AM the Moon moves from that Mansion into the next one, Arrexhe, The Rope. The Moon is combust and wrathful until 6:48AM when she moves out of the orb of 8˚ and becomes more beneficial. 

The Moon is in a fast period and accelerating which may make magical effects happen more quickly but may also make magical effects fade away more quickly. She will spend 20 hours and 55 minutes in Arrexhe from 4:57AM on February 28th until 1:52AM on March 1st. 

The wrathful powers of Arrexhe are destroying trusts, restraining and harming prisoners, hurting someone riding on a ship (Gayat al Hakim), besiege cities, get rid of things, cdetroy an area, make treasures be lost, to make the incarceration of captives firm, and inflict evil on sailors at sea (Latin Picatrix).

The beneficial powers of Arrexhe are successful trade, productive crops, treatment of disease, ensuring travelers' safety, restoring relationships between spouses (Gayat al Hakim), increase merchandise, increase harvests, to travel and safely return, to cause peace and concord between man and wife, to gather fish together in one place (Latin Picatrix), attract a good catch for fishermen, attract opportunities, conjugal bliss, romanic sentiment, bestow invulnerability and safety to one transversing strange and perilous climes, bind and contain inimical forces (Celestial Magic), help in seeking knowledge, granting prayers, and prospering of virtuous works (Shams al Marif).

The image in the Latin Picatrix for Arrexhe is a fish with a colored spine, a bit of sympathetic magic. With a fish, bring more fish. 

February 28th ends with the Moon in Arrehe. 

Saturday, March 1st, 2025. The Moon is in Arrexhe when March 1st begins but only stays there until 1:52AM. That is when the Moon enters Alnath, The Butting One, the first Mansion in the tropical reckoning. The phase is Waxing Crescent which is best for works of beginning and renewal.

The Moon transits across Alnath from 1:52AM to 10:42PM on March 1st. This a period of 20 hours and 50 minutes which is 5 minutes faster than the previous Mansion. This is the most brief transit through a Mansion in this period. The Moon is still fast and accelerating. Magic done during a fast Moon may dissipate quickly but also may manifest quickly. After 10:52PM, the Moon moves into Albotayn, The Little Belly

The beneficial powers of Alnath are for the safety of a traveler (Gayat al Hakim), begin journeys, and take medicine (Latin Picatrix).

The image in the Latin Picatrix for Alnath is a a black man with his hair wrapped and encircled, standing on his feet, having a spear in his right hand in the manner of a warrior. Alnath is a rather grim Mansion in which works of destruction are empowered. Its beneficial qualities seem to stem mostly from its position as the first Mansion in the tropical reckoning. 

The Moon is in Albotayn when March 1st ends.

Sunday, March 2nd, 2025. At the beginning of March 2nd, the Moon is in Albotayn, the Little Belly. The Moon will be in Albotayn until 7:35PM and then moves into Azoraye, the Many Little Ones. The phase is Waxing Crescent which is best for beginnings and establishment. 

The Moon will be in Albotayn from 10:42PM on March 1st to 7:35PM on March 2nd. This is 20 hours and 53 minutes, which is 3 minutes longer than the previous Mansion. This tells us that the Moon is no longer accelerating but she is still in a fast period. A fast Moon may make magical effects happen more quickly but may also make them dissipate more quickly. 

 The beneficial powers of Albotayn include drilling wells and rivers, achieving wishes, digging out buried treasure, help the growth of crops (Gayat al Hakim), for meeting a king and everything you hope for (Ibn Hatim), to dig for streams and wells, find hidden treasures, planting a great deal of wheat, removal of anger (Latin Picatrix), against the wrath of a prince and reconcile with him (Agrippa), conjure spirits to reveal the secrets of hidden treasure, binding and restraining adverse forces, and calm turbulent or negative emotional energies (Celestial Magic). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix for Albotayn is a king on a throne. The approximate Chinese Seiu that corresponds to Albotayn is The Storeroom. Combined with the talismanic purposes of digging wells and finding hidden treasure, in my mind, the king is an underworld figure, a king in his sepulcher, surrounded by his riches. Being the Belly of the Ram, or perhaps said another way, the Womb of the Lamb, I equate Albotayn to the Agnes Dei, the Lamb of God, bringing peace, calm, and harmony to the world. 

After 7:35PM the Moon moves into Azoraye. The beneficial powers of Azoraye are for the safety of those who travel by sea, the beneficial use of chemistry and fire, for hunting, for promoting friendship and love between spouses, good luck (Gayat al Hakim), for the love of man and woman (Ibn Hatim), the acquisition of all good things (Latin Picatrix), happy fortune, attract well being, contain negative forces, protection in dangerous environments, and for potent love spells (Celestial Magic), making talismans suitable for women, and making curative medicines (Shams al Marif).  

The image in the Latin Picatrix for Azoraye is a seated woman with her right hand above her head. Given the overwhelming positivity associated with this Mansion this is most likely a gesture of blessing. The traditional indicator stars for this Mansion are the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, a grouping of stars with a long and legendary past. The Pleiades are one of the 15 Behenian stars whose powers include, according to Agrippa, "brings an increase to light of the eyes, collects daemons, promotes winds, and reveals secrets and hidden things." And the image is "a virgin girl or the figure of a torch". 

When March 2nd ends, the Moon is in Azoraye. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Lunar Mansion Report, February 17th, 2025 to February 23rd, 2025

   This is an entry in a continuing series of posts looking at the Moon's position and condition in the week ahead with an eye to the Mansions of the Moon. This is an exercise to help track the speed of the Moon, organize my thoughts on the Mansions, and think about the practical applications. 

All times are for me locally, United States Pacific Time. I will be making note of the Moon's phase, speed, and Mansion position in my assessment. Currently, I'm not considering aspects with other planets.

Lunar Mansion Report, February 17th, 2025 to February 23rd, 2025

Monday, February 17th, 2025. The Moon begins February 17th in Azubene, the Horns of the Scorpion. She will walk through Azubene until 7:34AM and then will make ingress into Alichlil, the Crown of the Scorpion. The phase is Waning Gibbous which is strong for diminishment and decline. 

The Moon will be in Alichlil from 7:34AM on February 17th until 9:43AM on February 18th. This will be a period of 26 hours and 9 minutes. This is seven minutes longer than the previous Mansion and is longer than the average of 23 hours and 36 minutes which means the Moon is in a slow period and slowing down.  This may make magical effects take longer to manifest but may also make them longer lasting. 

The wrathful powers of Alichlil are isolating cities (Gayat al Hakim), to improve deception, and to besiege cities and villages (Latin Picatrix). The power of expelling thieves will be listed as a beneficial power and a wrathful power.  

The image of Aliklil in the Latin Picatrix is a monkey holding its hands up above its shoulders. I imagine this gesture to resemble a criminal putting their hands up at being apprehended. The monkey and its ability to imitate is a symbol for deception. 

Aliklil is the second half of the Via Combustua which is difficult for the Moon and adds to the wrath of this Mansion. 

The Moon continues to travel across Aliklil until the end of February 17th at midnight. 

Tuesday, February 18th, 2025. February 18th begins with the Moon in Aliklil, the Crown of the Scorpion. She remains in Aliklil until 9:43AM and then moves into Alcalb, the Heart of the Scorpion. The phase is Waning Gibbous which exemplifies decline and diminishment. 

The Moon travels across Alcalb for 26 hours and 9 minutes, well longer than the average of 23 hours and 35 minutes and so is in a slow period. This is the extent of the current slow period. Twenty six hours and 9 minutes is also seven minutes longer than the previous Mansion and so the Moon is decelerating. This can delay the effets of magic but may make them more durable. 

The wrathful powers of Alcalb include creating disagreements among partners (Gayat al Hakim), to conspire against kings, vengeance against enemies, to separate friends, to expel serpents and harmful creatures from a house (Latin Picatrix), and to inflict quarrels and discord (Celestial Magic).

The image for Alcalb in the Latin Picatrix is an adder with its tail above its head. A venomous snake is dangerous enough but with its tail above its head it takes on the defensive qualities of a scorpion and so cannot be attacked from in front or in the rear. 

Curiously, the Latin Picatrix instructs one to suffumigate an Alcalb talisman in stag's horn. There are several instances in Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy in which serpents and stags are antithetical to each other. 

The Moon travels across Alcalb for the remainder of February 18th. 

Wednesday, February 19th, 2025. The Moon is in Alcalb when February 19th begins. She will be in Alcalb for most of the morning until 11:42AM and then will step into Axaula, the Sting of the Scorpion. The phase is Waning Gibbous which is best for works of diminishment and decline. 

The Moon moves across Axaula from 11:42AM on February 19th to 1:25PM on February 20th. This is a period of 25 hours and 43 minutes, 16 minutes less than the previous Mansion, which indicates the Moon is in a slow period but is now accelerating. A slow Moon may delay magical workings effects but may also make them last longer. 

The wrathful powers of Axaula are isolating cities, defeating enemies, making a person lose all his money, separation and alienation, breaking and destroying ships, creating discord between partners (Gayat al Hakim), to besiege cities and take them, to destroy the wealth of whoever you please, to expel men from a place, to separate and destroy the wealth of allies, to break and destroy ships (Latin Picatrix), and to annul contracts (Shams al Marif). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix for Axaula is a woman with her hands covering her face. The special power of Axaula is as a purgative, especially to bring on menstrual bleeding. Repulsion, expulsion, and forceful pushing are all under the influence of Axaula. The gesture of a woman covering her face is one of despair.

The Moon will be in Axaula when February 19th ends at midnight.

Thursday, February 20th, 2025. At the beginning of February 20th the Moon is traveling across Axaula, the Sting of the Scorpion. At 1:25PM the Moon then moves into Alnaym, the Beam or the Ostriches. The square aspect that tips the Moon from Waning Gibbous to Waning Crescent happens on February 20th at 9:33AM. This begins the Waning Crescent phase, which is strong for cutting off and abrupt endings.

It will take the Moon 25 hours and 9 minutes to travel through Alnaym, from 1:25PM on February 20th until 2:34PM. This is slow for the Moon but she is accelerating. A slow Moon will be slow to bring magic about but the effects may be long lasting. 

The wrathful powers of Alnaym include worsening the situation of partners (Gayat al Hakim), to bring evil and destruction to the riches of allies (Latin Picatrix), to bring about imprisonment and containment, and destroy ill-gotten gains (Celestial Magic).

The image of Alnaym in the Latin Picatrix is a centaur shooting a bow. The power ascribed to it is for finding and taking whatever you hunt. It is also for taming wild beasts. 

The Moon finishes February 20th in Alnaym. 

Friday, February 21st, 2025. The Moon spends from midnight at the beginning of February 21st until 2:34PM in the afternoon. The next Mansion is Albelda, the Wasteland. The phase is Waning Crescent which is best for hiding things and ending things.

The Moon makes ingress into Albelda at 2:34PM on February 21st and egress at 3:08PM on February 22nd. This is 24 hours and 34 minutes, 35 minutes less time than it took her to transit the last Mansion. She is slow but accelerating. A slow Moon may make magic happen slowly but may also make it more long lasting. 

The wrathful powers of Albelda are for a wife to divorce and never remarry (Gayat al Hakim), to separate wives from their proper husbands, destruction of a place (Latin Picatrix), for the destruction of a person (Agrippa), and creating enmity, hostility, divisiveness, and everything calamitous (Shams al Marif).

The image for Albelda in the Latin Picatrix is a man with a face like Janus, with one face on the front and another face on the back of the head. Janus was the Roman god of the threshold, the place in between, and marked passages. In my experience Albelda is a Mansion of waiting, holding, and immobility.

At the end of February 21st the Moon is in Albelda. 

Saturday, February 22nd, 2025. The Moon continues through Albelda until 3:08PM and then enters the series of the lucky stars with Sadahaca, The Lucky Star of the Sacrificers. The phase is Waning Crescent, empowering workings of obscuring and ending. 

The Moon will travel through Sadahaca from 3:08PM on February 22nd to 2:58PM on February 23rd. This is 23 hours and 50 minutes which is on the slow side of an almost average speed. It is also 44 minutes less than the previous Mansion. A slow Moon may prolong the amount of time a magical working will take to take effect but may make those effects longer lasting. 

The wrathful powers of Sadahaca include separation between kings and wazirs (Ibn Hatim), separation of spouses and lovers, for a woman to be raped and discord between partners (Gayat al Hakim), to bind tongues against slander (Latin Picatrix), evil (Liber Luneae), and to agitate rulers into wrath and to hide secrets (Shams al Marif). 

The image for this Mansion in the Latin Picatrix is "the figure of a man with winged feet wearing a helmet", a very Mercurial image. Considered together with the title of this Mansion, The Lucky Star of the Slaughterers, this Mansion has connotations of spiritual communication. The slaughterers are those who make the animal sacrifice to the gods. During this Mansion making entreaties to heaven and making offerings to seek favors and boons are greatly enhanced as are devotional acts of giving. 

The remainder of February 22nd sees the Moon in Sadahaca. 

Sunday, February 23rd, 2025. The Moon is in Sadahaca at the beginning of February 23rd until  2:58PM and then she moves into the next Mansion, Zaadebola, the Lucky Star of the Devourers. The phase is Waning Crescent which is appropriate for endings and obfuscation. 

The Moon will be in Zaadebola for 23 hours and 6 minutes. This is on the fast side of average. It is 44 minutes longer than the previous Mansion. She is fast and accelerating which can make the effects of magic come about quickly but can also make them dissipate quickly.

 A wrathful Zaadebola has the strength to impose ruin and disease on whomever you wish (Ibn Hatim), damaging assets, causing estrangement between spouses (Gayat al Hakim), divide husbands from their wives, destruction and devastation (Latin Picatrix), and to inflict destruction and wasting (Celestial Magic).

The image for Zaadebola in the Latin Picatrix is a cat with a dog’s head. The head and the body are at odds, each wanting to do violence to the other. Ultimately, neither is left the winner. Pitting a group against its leaders for the purpose of destroying the entire group would be a wrathful work that is strengthened in this Mansion.    

The Moon will be in Zaadebola at the end of February 23rd. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Lunar Mansion Report, February 10th, 2025 to February 16th, 2025

  This is an entry in a continuing series of posts looking at the Moon's position and condition in the week ahead with an eye to the Mansions of the Moon. This is an exercise to help track the speed of the Moon, organize my thoughts on the Mansions, and think about the practical applications. 

All times are for me locally, United States Pacific Time. I will be making note of the Moon's phase, speed, and Mansion position in my assessment. Currently, I'm not considering aspects with other planets.

Lunar Mansion Report, February 10th, 2025 to February 16th, 2025. 

Monday February 10th, 2025. When Monday February 10th comes around, the Moon is in Atarfa for just over an hour and then moves into Algebha, the Face of the Lion, at 1:09AM. The Moon is in a Waxing Gibbous phase, which is beneficial and empowers works of strengthening and building. The beneficial powers of Atarfa include removing diseases of the eyes (Ibn Hatim), help defend a man from being attacked (Latin Picatrix), protection against curses and slander (Celestial Magic).

The Moon will spend 23 hours and 36 minutes in Algebha between February 10th, 2025, 1:09AM to 12:47AM, February 11th. In my notes the tipping point between a fast Moon and a slow Moon is 23 hours and 35 minutes. That means the Moon's speed in Algebha is basically average, neither fast nor slow, but she is slowing down, spending 23 minutes longer in this Mansion than the previous one. This could delay the effects of magic but make the effects longer lasting. 

The beneficial powers of Algebha are reconciling differences between spouses, strengthening the structure of a building, bringing partners together for their mutual benefit (Gayat al Hakim), curing diseases, to see wonders (Ibn Hatim), for love between husband and wife, the strengthening and completion of buildings, for the love of allies and fore their mutual help, cure infirmities, ease childbirth (Latin Picatrix), attract optimism and benevolence, and it is efficacious for all love magic (Celestial Magic). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a lion's head. The Mansion embodies the symbolic qualities of a lion; strength, power, and nobility. The traditional indicator star for this Mansion is Regulus, Cor Leonis, the Heart of the Lion, also called the King Star. Regulus is one of the 15 Behenian Stars. Agrippa writes, "Under Cor Leonis they made an image of a lion, cat, or the figure of a respected man sitting in a chair: these make a man temperate, keep anger away, and give grace."

The Moon stays in Algebha when Monday ends at midnight. 

Tuesday, February 11th, 2025. The Moon will spend only the first 47 minutes of Tuesday in Algebha and will then step into Azobra, the Lion’s Mane. The phase is nearing the end of Waxing Gibbous. 

The Moon will be in Azobra from 12:47AM on February 11th to 12:48AM on February 12th, a period of 24 hours and one minute. This is 26 minutes longer than the previous Mansion and so the Moon is slowing down. That length of time is also longer than the average so the Moon is in a slow period. These factors could delay the effects of magical works but could also prolong the effects.

The beneficial powers of Azobra are to rescue captives, to organize trade and profit from it, for travelers on the road to travel safely and unharmed, to strengthen buildings, increase the wealth of allies, to be feared and receive good things (Latin Picatrix), for fear, reverence, and veneration (Agrippa), to regain lost affection, and to enjoy prosperity and an optimistic mindset (Celestial Magic). 

The image for this Mansion in the Latin Picatrix is a man riding the back of a lion holding its ear in his hand. In its most beneficial aspect the lion is fully controlled by the figure on its back and adds its ferocity and strength to the figure’s bearing (despite the figure’s somewhat precarious position). This concept of being next to danger but safe from it is a big theme of Azobra.

The Moon continues to transit across Azobra to the end of February 11th.

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025. The Moon is in Azobra at the beginning of February 12th and moves into the next Mansion, Asarfa, The Tail of the Lion, at 12:48AM. The Moon goes Full while in Asarfa at 5:53AM. The opposing aspect tips the Moon from beneficial to wrathful. 

The Moon will be in Asarfa from 12:48AM on February 12th to 1:20AM on February 13th. This is a period of 24 hours and 32 minutes which means she is in a slow period and continuing to slow down, taking 31 minutes longer to cross Asarfa than the last Mansion.

The first few hours of Asarfa see the Moon in a beneficial stance. The beneficial powers of Asarfa are increasing farms and newly planted trees, promoting the welfare of partners as well as for reconciling differences between them for improved work conditions and product, improving conditions for successful hunting (Gayat al Hakim), increase harvests, the improvement of allies, officials, captives, and servants that they will be steadfast and honest (Latin Picatrix), and brings help and benevolence (Celestial Magic).

After 5:53AM Asarfa will exhibit its wrathful qualities. These are inflicting harm on a person by making them lose their assets, breaking ships (Gayat al Hakim), to separate whatever kinfolk or enemies you wish, cause enmity between them, and destroy the place (Ibn Hatim), the destruction of riches and ships, and to separate lovers (Latin Picatrix).

The Moon will still be in Asarfa when February 12th ends at midnight.

Thursday, February 13th, 2025. This day opens with the Moon in Asarfa until 1:20AM. She will then begin to transit across Alawway, the Corner of the Kennel. The phase is now Waning Gibbous which supports works of diminishment and decline.

The Moon will be in Alawway for 24 hours and 58 minutes, which is slow and slowing. The Moon enters Alawway at 1:20AM on February 13th and then exits at 2:18AM on February 14th. This slowness may make effects of magical works take more time to manifest but it may also make them longer lasting.

The wrathful powers of Alawway are the binding of nobles to have good from them (Latin Picatrix), and destroying charms against copulation (Celestial Magic). It might be a stretch to describe these as wrathful powers but the vast majority of sources list largely beneficial attributes to Alawway. 

In the Latin Picatrix the image for this Mansion is a red man embracing a white woman. This is an image of combination of opposites into a harmonious whole.

The Moon remains in Alawway for the rest of February 13th.

Friday, February 14th, 2025. The Moon spends the first couple of hours in Alawway and then, at 2:18AM, moves into the next Mansion, Azimech, the Spike of Virgo. The phase is Waning Gibbous and so is best for works of diminishment and decline. 

The Moon will be in Azimech from 2:18Am on February 14th until 3:44AM on February 15th, a period of 25 hours and 26 minutes. This is 28 minutes longer than the last Mansion which means the Moon is slowing down. Taking more than 25 hours to cross a Mansion means the Moon is in a slow period. All this can mean that magic may take longer to manifest but it may also have longer lasting effects.

The wrathful powers of Azimech are cutting off and enmity (Ibn Hatim), to destroy harvests and plants, to destroy lust, for the destruction of those who go by roads, to separate men from women (Latin Picatrix), to hindereth journeys by land (Agrippa), to disperse inappropriate sexual desire or cause a separation (Celestial Magic). 

The image of this Mansion in the Latin Picatrix is a dog biting its own tail. Taken in its wrathful side this is a symbol of futility, as opposed to some kind of ouroboros. Nigel Jackson's Celestial Magic includes an ear of wheat in the image of this Mansion. Its connotations of fertility, growth, and bounty cannot be overstated. Jackson also contends this Mansion is conducive to works of scrying.

When February 14th ends at midnight, the Moon is still in Azimech. 

Saturday, February 15th, 2025. Saturday begins with the Moon in Azimech. She will be in Azimech until 3:44AM and will then transit into Algafra, the Covering. The phase is Waning Gibbous which supports diminishment and decline. 

The Moon will be in Algafra from 3:44AM on February 15th until 5:32AM on February 16th. This is 25 hours and 48 minutes and is 22 minutes longer than the last Mansion. This tells us the Moon continues to decelerate while she is in a slow period. This can make magical works more enduring but can also delay their effects. 

The wrathful powers of Algafra are obstructing a traveler from making a trip, creating discord between spouses, spoiling friendships between friends, ruining partnerships, destruction of communities and towns (Gayat al Hakim), to scatter enemies from an area, and the destruction of the house of your enemies (Latin Picatrix). 

The image for this Mansion in the Latin Picatrix is a man writing a letter. The specialty of this Mansion is agreements, pacts, and contracts. In its wrathful form it can mean the breaking of pacts.

The Moon is in Algafra from 3:44AM until the end of February 15th at midnight.

Sunday, February 16th, 2025. The first several hours of February 16th have the Moon in Algafra. After 5:32AM the moon makes ingress into Azubene, the Horns of the Scorpion. The Moon’s phase is Waning Gibbous which supports decline and diminishment. 

The Moon will travel across Azubene for 26 hours and 2 minutes, 12 minutes longer than she took to travel the last Mansion. This means she is slow and still slowing down. This can delay the effects of magic but also make them last longer. 

The wrathful powers of Azubene include destruction of merchandise, to put discord between friends, to debauch a woman you desire, to impede those who journey so that they never reach their destination, cause hatred between friends (Latin Picatrix), damage merchant shops, separating friends and spouses, the severe punishment of a wife if the husband so desires, harm a traveling adversary, create discord between partners (Gayat al Hakim), and hindereth journeys and wedlock, harvests and merchandise (Agrippa). 

The image for Azubene in the Latin Picatrix is a man holding scales and weighing. The Horns of the Scorpion became the claws of the scorpion which became the cups of a scale. Discernment, judgement, and valuation are the keywords for Azubene. In its wrathful forms, it can obscure the value of things like relationships and ruin business deals. In Nigel Jackson's Celestial Magic this Mansion is given the power of enhancing sciomancy and necromantic operations to communicate with the shades of the dead. 

Azubene is the first half of the Via Combusta, the Fiery Way which is detrimental to the Moon and enhances the wrathful aspects.

The Moon spends the rest of February 16th in Azubene.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Lunar Mansion Report, February 3rd, 2025 to February 9th, 2025

 This is an entry in a continuing series of posts looking at the Moon's position and condition in the week ahead with an eye to the Mansions of the Moon. This is an exercise to help track the speed of the Moon, organize my thoughts on the Mansions, and think about the practical applications. 

All times are for me locally, United States Pacific Time. I will be making note of the Moon's phase, speed, and Mansion position in my assessment. Currently, I'm not considering aspects with other planets.

Lunar Mansion Report, February 3rd, 2025 to February 9th, 2025

Monday, February 3rd, 2025. When Monday February 3rd begins the Moon is in Albotayn, The Little Belly, which she entered at 2:41PM the day before. The phase is Waxing Crescent and so is advantageous for beginnings, laying foundations, and planting seeds. 

I have been looking into the Moon's speed a bit more and I am going to introduce some subtlety to my reckoning. I will now consider four conditions for the Moon's relative speed; fast and accelerating, fast and decelerating, slow and accelerating, slow and decelerating. If the Moon transits a Mansion in less than 23 hours and 35 minutes then she is fast, more than that and she is slow. 

The Moon will be in Albotayn from 2:41PM February 2nd until 12:17PM February 3rd. This is a period of 21 hours and 36 minutes and so the Moon is moving quickly. It is five minutes longer than the previous Mansion and so slowing down. A fast Moon tends to make effects happen quickly but they may also dissipate quickly. 

Because the Moon is Waxing the beneficial qualities are prominent. That is drilling wells and rivers, achieving wishes, digging out buried treasure, help the growth of crops (Gayat al Hakim), for meeting a king and everything you hope for (Ibn Hatim), to dig for streams and wells, find hidden treasures, planting a great deal of wheat, removal of anger (Latin Picatrix), against the wrath of a prince and reconcile with him (Agrippa), conjure spirits to reveal the secrets of hidden treasure, binding and restraining adverse forces, and calm turbulent or negative emotional energies (Celestial Magic). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix for Albotayn is a king on a throne. The approximate Chinese Seiu that corresponds to Albotayn is The Storeroom. Combined with the talismanic purposes of digging wells and finding hidden treasure, in my mind, the king is an underworld figure, a king in his sepulcher, surrounded by his riches. Being the Belly of the Ram, or perhaps said another way, the Womb of the Lamb, I equate Albotayn to the Agnes Dei, the Lamb of God, bringing peace, calm, and harmony to the world. 

The Moon moves out of Albotayn at 12:17PM on February 3rd and moves into Azoraye, the Many Little Ones. The beneficial powers of Azoraye are for the safety of those who travel by sea, the beneficial use of chemistry and fire, for hunting, for promoting friendship and love between spouses, good luck (Gayat al Hakim), for the love of man and woman (Ibn Hatim), the acquisition of all good things (Latin Picatrix), happy fortune, attract well being, contain negative forces, protection in dangerous environments, for potent love spells (Celestial Magic), making talismans suitable for women, and making curative medicines (Shams al Marif).  

When Monday February 3rd ends at midnight the Moon is still in be in Azoraye. 

Tuesday, February 4th, 2025. The Moon is in Azoraye at the beginning of Tuesday February 4th, having made ingress into that Mansion at 12:17PM the day before. The phase is Waxing Crescent but getting very close to the end of the Crescent phase. The Waxing Crescent is best for beginnings, openings, and revelations. 

The Moon will be in Azoraye for 21 hours and 47 minutes. This is a fast period but she is decelerating. This Mansion is 11 minutes longer than the last one. Fast Moons tend to make effects happen more quickly but the effects may pass more quickly. I suspect the deceleration lends duration to one or both of these conditions. 

The beneficial powers of Azoraye are for the safety of those who travel by sea, the beneficial use of chemistry and fire, for hunting, for promoting friendship and love between spouses, good luck (Gayat al Hakim), for the love of man and woman (Ibn Hatim), the acquisition of all good things (Latin Picatrix), happy fortune, attract well being, contain negative forces, protection in dangerous environments, and for potent love spells (Celestial Magic), making talismans suitable for women, and making curative medicines (Shams al Marif).  

The image in the Latin Picatrix for Azoraye is a seated woman with her right hand above her head. Given the overwhelming positivity associated with this Mansion this is most likely a gesture of blessing. The traditional indicator stars for this Mansion are the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, a grouping of stars with a long and legendary past. The Pleiades are one of the 15 Behenian stars whose powers include, according to Agrippa, "brings an increase to light of the eyes, collects daemons, promotes winds, and reveals secrets and hidden things." And the image is "a virgin girl or the figure of a torch". 

The Moon transits across Azoraye until 10:04AM on February 4th and then moves into Aldebaran, the Eye of the Bull. The beneficial powers of Aldebaran are to kill and bind reptiles and venomous animals (Latin Picatrix), to make infatuated one who you wish (Ibn Hatim), attract honor and riches, promote irresistible endurance (Celestial Magic). 

The image of Aldebaran in the Latin Picatrix is a knight on horseback holding a viper in his hand. This image is very similar to more than a few poetic spirits from the Lemegeton. In its beneficial face I look more to the approximate Nakshatra, Rohini, the Red Goddess, who has connotations of love, beauty, luxury, romance, and sensual eroticism. 

The Moon transits across Aldebaran until February 5th at 7:59AM which is 21 hours and 55 minutes in that Mansion. This means the Moon is in a slow period but is accelerating. Her journey across Aldebaran is 8 minutes longer than the previous Mansion.  

The Moon will remain in Aldebaran for the rest of February 4th. 

Wednesday, February 5th, 2025. The Moon is in Aldebaran for the first several hours of February 5th, moving out at 7:59AM. The Moon then moves into Almices, The Shining One. The beneficial powers of Aldebaran are to kill and bind reptiles and venomous animals (Latin Picatrix), to make infatuated one who you wish (Ibn Hatim), attract honor and riches, promote irresistible endurance (Celestial Magic). The Moon is in the Waxing Crescent phase until 12:02AM, just 2 minutes into February 5th, and then the phase is Waxing Gibbous. The Waxing Gibbous phase is good for works of growth, ripening, and stability. 

The Moon moves through Almices from 7:59AM on February 5th to 6:07AM February 6th. This is 22 hours and 8 minutes which means she is decelerating but still moving fast. A fast Moon can make effects happen more quickly but can also cause effects to end quickly. 

The beneficial powers of Almices are for the welfare of children, for advancing education, for the safety of travelers, for the safe structure of buildings, promoting the reconciliation between spouses (Gayat al Hakim), your desires will be satisfied by kings and nobles (Ibn Hatim), for youths to learn arts, salvation of travelers, for sailors to travel safely, improve buildings, for favor between husband and wife, to receive good from kings and officials, to see things in sleep (Latin Picatrix), potent for lamp oracles and divinations, aids all memory, mental powers, and intellectual endeavors, protection from harm, and social success and favor (Celestial Magic).

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a disembodied head. I take this to be the head of the hunter Orion, whose constellation is nearby. Orion's name means the "dweller on the mountain" and he was a skilled hunter. The king Oenopion promised Orion that if he could rid the island of dangerous beasts that plagued it, he would promise his daughter to Orion. Orion rid the island of the beasts but when the time came for the marriage, the king refused. In a drunken rage Orion raped the princess. King Oenopion had Orion's eyes put out and dumped him on the seashore. An oracle declared that if Orion traveled to the east to the edge of the furthest ocean and turned his eye sockets to the sun when it first rose from the sea, his sight would be restored. Orion did this and when the sun rose, Eos, Goddess of the dawn, saw him, fell in love with him and restored his sight. Thus Almices has connotations of redemption and spiritual sight. 

The Moon remains in Almices for the rest of February 5th. 

Thursday, February 6th, 2025. The Moon spends the first several hours of February 6th in Almices, moving out of that Mansion and into Alhana, the Mark, at 6:07AM. The phase is Waxing Gibbous which lends strength to works of growth, strength, and establishment. 

The Moon moves across Alhana for 22 hours and 20 minutes. This is still a fast period but she is decelerating and spends 12 minutes longer in Alhana than the previous Mansion. 

The beneficial powers of Alhana are promoting the welfare of partners, improving the conditions for hunting (Gayat al Hakim), for love, for medical treatment (Ibn Htim), cause friendship between two people, improve hunting in the country, to put love between two people (Latin Picatrix), break resistance (Celestial Magic), and for gathering with those far away and separated (Shams al Marif).

The image for this Mansion in the Latin Picatrix is a white man embracing a white woman. The title The Mark refers to a mark signifying ownership, like a brand on livestock. This is a Mansion of declaring commitments. Another symbol for it might be a wedding ring. The white man and the white woman are twin halves of a whole and Alhana weds them together. 

The Moon remains in Alhana through the rest of February 6th. 

Friday February 7th, 2025. From 12:01AM until 4:27AM on February 7th the Moon is in Alhana. Then she steps into Aldira, The Forearm. She is still Waxing Gibbous.

The Moon is in Aldira from 4:27AM on February 7th to 3:04AM on February 8th, a period of 22 hours and 37 minutes, This is on the fast side but it is 17 minutes longer than the last Mansion and so she continues her deceleration. 

The beneficial powers of Aldira are blessing trade and crops, safety of voyagers, reconciliation between partners and friends, preventing flies from entering a place of trade where they may spoil the product, the fulfillment of a wish by a ruler or dignitary (Gayat al Hakim), entering in the presence of the sultan, for binding spirits (Ibn Hatim), increase merchandise and profit, to travel safely, increase crops, to sail beneficially on the water, cause friendship, cause lords to be benevolent, for the acquisition of all good things (Latin Picatrix), for devotion and seeking truth, and spiritual cures (Shams al Marif). 

The image for this Mansion is a man raising his arms as if supplicating to heaven. The traditional indicator stars for this Mansion are Castor and Pollox, the twins from Greek myth. These stars have been equated with twins for a long, long time. One was a celestial twin the other was an underworld twin. The man with his hands raised is one twin calling to the other in the other world. This is a Mansion suited to creating spiritual alliances.  

The Moon will remain in Aldira for the rest of February 7th.

Saturday, February 8th, 2025. The Moon spends the first few hours of Saturday, February 8th in Aldira and then moves into Annathra, The Gap, at 3:04AM. The Waxing Gibbous phase promotes works of strengthening, and building. 

The Moon will spend 22 hours and 52 minutes in Annathra, between 3:04AM February 8th to 1:56AM February 9th. This is still on the fast side but it is 15 minutes slower than the last Mansion. A fast Moon may make magical effects happen more quickly but may also make them less enduring. 

The beneficial powers of Annathra are reconciling love and friendship to an estranged couple, the welfare of a traveler, repel mice and bedbugs (Gayat al Hakim), to excel in battles (Ibn Hatim), and for gaining victory (Latin Picatrix). 

The image for Annathra in the Latin Picatrix is an eagle with a man's face. The eagle is a frequent military image signifying fierceness, speed, and power. Annathra’s title, The Gap, was imagined to be the gap between the lion constellation’s jaws, or maybe under his chin. The essence of Annathra’s power to grant victory in battle is in being able to escape danger. It is the bullet that pierces your coat but misses your body.   

The Moon will still be in Annathra when February 8th ends at midnight.

Sunday, February 9th, 2025. The Moon will be in Annathra for the beginning of February 9th until 1:56AM. Then the Moon moves into the next Mansion, Atarfa, The Glare of the Lion. The phase is Waxing Gibbous, which is beneficial and empowers works of strengthening and growing.

The Moon will transit across Atarfa between 1:56AM on February 9th until 1:09AM on February 10th. This is 23 hours and 13 minutes, still faster than the average of 23 hours and 40 minutes, but not by much. The time in Atarfa is also 21 minutes longer than the last Mansion. While in Atarfa the moon is in a fast period and decelerating. A fast Moon may make magic take effect more quickly but the effects may pass more quickly.

The beneficial powers of Atarfa include removing diseases of the eyes (Ibn Hatim), help defend a man from being attacked (Latin Picatrix), protection against curses and slander (Celestial Magic).

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a eunuch covering his eyes with his hands. In multiple sources this Mansion has rather negative connotations so the list of beneficial powers is light. 

The Moon remains in Atarfa until the end of February 9th.  

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Lunar Mansion Report, January 27th, 2025 to February 2nd, 2025

 This is an entry in a continuing series of posts looking at the Moon's position and condition in the week ahead with an eye to the Mansions of the Moon. This is an exercise to help track the speed of the Moon, organize my thoughts on the Mansions, and think about the practical applications. 

All times are for me locally, United States Pacific Time. I will be making note of the Moon's phase, speed, and Mansion position in my assessment. Currently, I'm not considering aspects with other planets.

Lunar Mansion Report, January 27th, 2025, to February 2nd, 2025

Monday, January 27th, 2025. When midnight rolls around and January 26th becomes January 27th, the Moon is in Sadahaca, The Lucky Star of the Slaughterers. She entered this Mansion at 5:42AM the day before. The Moon is in the Waning Crescent phase which supports ending, cutting, and hiding. We will look at the wrathful qualities of the Mansions. 

The Moon will remain in Sadahaca until 5:08AM on Monday at which time she will enter Zaadebola, The Lucky Star of the Devourers. The Moon will move across Zaadebola for 22 hours and 51 minutes. This is swift for the Moon and so magical works may come to fruition quickly but may also dissipate quickly. 

A wrathful Zaadebola has the strength to impose ruin and disease on whomever you wish (Ibn Hatim), damaging assets, causing estrangement between spouses (Gayat al Hakim), divide husbands from their wives, destruction and devastation (Latin Picatrix), and to inflict destruction and wasting (Celestial Magic).

The image for Zaadebola in the Latin Picatrix is a cat with a dog’s head. The wording of this has seemed ambiguous to me for a long time. Does it mean the cat is holding the disembodied head of a dog, like Perseus holding up the head of Medusa? Or, more likely, does it mean the cat does not have a cat’s head but a dog’s head in its place? Either way, in its wrathful form it is a violent image. The head and the body are at odds, each wanting to do violence to the other. Ultimately, neither is left the winner. Pitting a group against its leaders for the purpose of destroying the entire group would be a wrathful work that is strengthened in this Mansion.

The Moon transits across Zaadebola for the remainder of Monday, January 27th, 2025.

Tuesday, January 28th, 2025. The Moon spends the first three hours of Tuesday, January 28th in Zaadebola and moves into the next Mansion, Al S’ad al Su’ud, The Lucky Star of the Lucky, at 3:59AM. The phase is Waning Crescent which strengthens her wrathful powers and promotes endings and hiding. Additionally, the Moon slides into being within 8 degrees of the Sun at 4:36PM, making the aspect Combust which adds to the wrathfulness of her powers.

 The Moon transits across Al S’ad al Su’ud for 22 hours and 23 minutes, which is fast. This may make effects happen more quickly but they may also dissipate more quickly. The Moon leaves Al S’ad al Su’ud at 2:22AM on January 29th.

The wrathful powers of Al S’ad al Su’ud are driving away reptiles (Ibn Hatim), destroy the money of allies, prevent officials from completing their duties (Latin Picatrix), and hindereth the execution of government (Agrippa). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix is a woman breastfeeding a child. In most sources this Mansion is very beneficial. As I have mentioned before I associate this Mansion image with Amalthea, the nymph who hid and nursed baby Zeus. This would suggest to me that keeping plans, projects, or conspiracies hidden from their intended target is accentuated when the Moon is in this Mansion.

The Moon remains in Al S’ad al Su’ud for the rest of January 28th.

Wednesday January 29th, 2025. The Moon only spends less than three hours in Al S’ad al Su’ud on January 29th, moving into the next Mansion at 2:22AM. The next Mansion is named Zaadalahbia, The Lucky Star of Hidden Things. The phase is Waning Crescent and combust until 4:35AM, the Cazimi point of the New Moon. The moment of Cazimi will be extremely beneficial but also extremely brief, about a minute and 43 seconds. Afterward she will be Combust until 7:21PM (8 degree orb). Then her phase will be Waxing Crescent, which is beneficial for beginnings and openings. 

The Moon will be in Zaadalahbia for 21 hours and 59 minutes which is fast and is 24 minutes faster than the last Mansion. This may make works to come to fruition quickly but may also make the effects pass quickly. She will move out of Zaadalahbia at 12:21AM of January 30th. 

Up until the Moon separates from the Combustion with the Sun her powers are wrathful. The wrathful qualities of Zaadalahbia are to besiege cities, take enemies captive and do evil to them, separate wives from husbands, destroy harvests, to bind any part of the human body so it will not function, and strengthen the prisons of captives (Latin Picatrix). 

After 7:21PM her powers will be beneficial. The beneficial powers of Zaadalahbia are improvement of fruit and arable land, protects from blights and calamities from the heavens (Ibn Hatim), protection of orchards and crops, to make messengers convey their messages and return quickly, to secure buildings (Latin Picatrix), strengthens buildings and house protections, promotes fertility (Celestial Magic), and commendable actions, companionship, love, and being kind (Shams al Marif).

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a man planting a tree and spreading seeds. Things developing under the surface are empowered in Zaadalahbia. In its wrathful form keeping things from growing or developing is strengthened. 

The Moon spends almost all of January 29th in Zaadalahbia, from 2:22AM until midnight rolls around and the 29th becomes the 30th.

Thursday, January 30th, 2025. The Moon will still be in Zaadalahbia until 12:21AM before she moves into Al Fargh al Awwal, the Upper Waterspout. The phase is Waxing Crescent which promotes beginnings, openings, and revelations. 

The Moon will transit across Al Fargh al Awwal from 12:21AM until 10:05PM, a period of 21 hours and 46 minutes. This is 13 minutes shorter than the last Mansion and so means she is accelerating. This may make magical workings manifest more quickly but their effects may also pass more quickly. 

The beneficial powers of Al Fargh al Awwal are for love that a woman may entice a man marvelously and promote lust (Ibn Hatim), all sorts of good things, restoring love and friendship, fulfillment of the wish of a traveler to be able to make a trip, stabilizing buildings, safety of travelers by ships (Gayat al Hakim), bind people in mutual love, protect those who travel in wagons, strengthen buildings, for the creation of love (Latin Picatrix), union an love of men, health of captives, love and favor (Agrippa), whatever good you want, creating loving relationships, increasing libido, and cheering up souls with friendship (Shams al Marif).   

The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a woman washing her hair in a basin. This is an image of spiritual cleansing as Al Fargh al Awwal controls the subtle and lustral waters, the holy and blessed waters.  

The Moon moves out of Al Fargh al Awwal at 10:05PM on January 30th and then moves into Al Fargh al Thani, the Lower Waterspout, for the last two hours of January 30th. The beneficial powers of Al Fargh al Thani are for successful trade, productive crops, quick recovery from disease (Gayat al Hakim), increase merchandise, increase profit, unite allies, increase harvests, heal illness (Latin Picatrix), and operations of prophecy and foreknowledge (Celestial Magic). 

Friday, January 31st, 2025. When Friday January 31st begins the Moon is in Al Fargh al Thani, which she entered at 10:05PM the day before. The phase is Waxing Crescent. 

It will take the Moon 21 hours and 33 minutes to get through Al Fargh al Thani. This is 13 minutes faster than the previous MansionWhich may make effects dissipate quickly but may also make the effects happen quickly. 

The beneficial powers of Al Fargh al Thani are for successful trade, productive crops, quick recovery from disease (Gayat al Hakim), increase merchandise, increase profit, unite allies, increase harvests, heal illness (Latin Picatrix), and operations of prophecy and foreknowledge (Celestial Magic). 

The image in the Latin Picatrix is a man with wings holding a vessel. Al Fargh al Thani is the Lower Waterspout and represents the waters of physical healing. These are the vivifying waters of life. 

The Moon moves out of Al Fargh al Thani at 7:38PM and makes ingress into Arrexhe. The beneficial powers of Arrexhe are successful trade, productive crops, treatment of disease, ensuring travelers' safety, restoring relationships between spouses (Gayat al Hakim), increase merchandise, increase harvests, to travel and safely return, to cause peace and concord between man and wife, to gather fish together in one place (Latin Picatrix), attract a good catch for fishermen, attract opportunities, conjugal bliss, romanic sentiment, bestow invulnerability and safety to one transversing strange and perilous climes, bind and contain inimical forces (Celestial Magic), help in seeking knowledge, granting prayers, and prospering of virtuous works (Shams al Marif). 

Saturday, February 1st, 2025. The Moon is in Arrexhe at the beginning of Saturday, February 1st. She moved into Arrexhe at 7:38PM the day before and the phase is Waxing Crescent which is powerful for beginnings and foundations. 

The Moon will take 21 hours and 32 minutes to cross Arrexhe, which is one minute faster than the last Mansion. The swift speed of the Moon may make works take effect quickly but may also make them pass quickly. 

The beneficial powers of Arrexhe are successful trade, productive crops, treatment of disease, ensuring travelers' safety, restoring relationships between spouses (Gayat al Hakim), increase merchandise, increase harvests, to travel and safely return, to cause peace and concord between man and wife, to gather fish together in one place (Latin Picatrix), attract a good catch for fishermen, attract opportunities, conjugal bliss, romanic sentiment, bestow invulnerability and safety to one transversing strange and perilous climes, bind and contain inimical forces (Celestial Magic), help in seeking knowledge, granting prayers, and prospering of virtuous works (Shams al Marif).

The image in the Latin Picatrix for Arrexhe is a fish with a colored spine, a bit of sympathetic magic. With a fish bring more fish. 

The Moon ends her journey through Arrexhe at 5:10PM and then steps into Alnath. The beneficial facets of Alnath are for the safety of a traveler (Gayat al Hakim), begin journeys, and take medicine (Latin Picatrix).

Sunday, February 2nd, 2025. When Sunday rolls around the Moon is in Alnath, The Butting One, which she entered at 5:10PM the day before. The phase is Waxing Crescent and supports beginnings, openings, and revelations. 

The Moon will take 21 hours and 31 minutes to go through Alnath. This is one minute faster than the last Mansion which means she is still moving fast which may make effects of magic come to fruition more quickly but may also make them pass more quickly. After Alnath the Moon will begin to slow down again.

The beneficial powers of Alnath are for the safety of a traveler (Gayat al Hakim), begin journeys, and take medicine (Latin Picatrix).

The image in the Latin Picatrix for Alnath is a a black man with his hair wrapped and encircled, standing on his feet, having a spear in his right hand in the manner of a warrior. Alnath is a rather grim Mansion in which works of destruction are empowered. Its beneficial qualities seem to stem mostly from its position as the first Mansion in the tropical reconning. 

The Moon moves out of Alnath at 2:41PM and enters Albotayn, The Little Belly. The beneficial powers of Albotayn are drilling wells and rivers, achieving wishes, digging out buried treasure, help the growth of crops (Gayat al Hakim), for meeting a king and everything you hope for (Ibn Hatim), to dig for streams and wells, find hidden treasures, planting a great deal of wheat, removal of anger (Latin Picatrix), against the wrath of a prince and reconcile with him (Agrippa), conjure spirits to reveal the secrets of hidden treasure, binding and restraining adverse forces, and calm turbulent or negative emotional energies (Celestial Magic). 

The Moon spends the rest of February 2nd in Albotayn.