This is an entry in a continuing series of posts looking at the Moon's position and condition in the week ahead with an eye to the Mansions of the Moon. This is an exercise to help track the speed of the Moon, organize my thoughts on the Mansions, and think about the practical applications.
All times are for me locally, United States Pacific Time. I will be making note of the Moon's phase, speed, and Mansion position in my assessment. Currently, I'm not considering aspects with other planets.
Lunar Mansion Report, February 3rd, 2025 to February 9th, 2025
Monday, February 3rd, 2025. When Monday February 3rd begins the Moon is in Albotayn, The Little Belly, which she entered at 2:41PM the day before. The phase is Waxing Crescent and so is advantageous for beginnings, laying foundations, and planting seeds.
I have been looking into the Moon's speed a bit more and I am going to introduce some subtlety to my reckoning. I will now consider four conditions for the Moon's relative speed; fast and accelerating, fast and decelerating, slow and accelerating, slow and decelerating. If the Moon transits a Mansion in less than 23 hours and 35 minutes then she is fast, more than that and she is slow.
The Moon will be in Albotayn from 2:41PM February 2nd until 12:17PM February 3rd. This is a period of 21 hours and 36 minutes and so the Moon is moving quickly. It is five minutes longer than the previous Mansion and so slowing down. A fast Moon tends to make effects happen quickly but they may also dissipate quickly.
Because the Moon is Waxing the beneficial qualities are prominent. That is drilling wells and rivers, achieving wishes, digging out buried treasure, help the growth of crops (Gayat al Hakim), for meeting a king and everything you hope for (Ibn Hatim), to dig for streams and wells, find hidden treasures, planting a great deal of wheat, removal of anger (Latin Picatrix), against the wrath of a prince and reconcile with him (Agrippa), conjure spirits to reveal the secrets of hidden treasure, binding and restraining adverse forces, and calm turbulent or negative emotional energies (Celestial Magic).
The image in the Latin Picatrix for Albotayn is a king on a throne. The approximate Chinese Seiu that corresponds to Albotayn is The Storeroom. Combined with the talismanic purposes of digging wells and finding hidden treasure, in my mind, the king is an underworld figure, a king in his sepulcher, surrounded by his riches. Being the Belly of the Ram, or perhaps said another way, the Womb of the Lamb, I equate Albotayn to the Agnes Dei, the Lamb of God, bringing peace, calm, and harmony to the world.
The Moon moves out of Albotayn at 12:17PM on February 3rd and moves into Azoraye, the Many Little Ones. The beneficial powers of Azoraye are for the safety of those who travel by sea, the beneficial use of chemistry and fire, for hunting, for promoting friendship and love between spouses, good luck (Gayat al Hakim), for the love of man and woman (Ibn Hatim), the acquisition of all good things (Latin Picatrix), happy fortune, attract well being, contain negative forces, protection in dangerous environments, for potent love spells (Celestial Magic), making talismans suitable for women, and making curative medicines (Shams al Marif).
When Monday February 3rd ends at midnight the Moon is still in be in Azoraye.
Tuesday, February 4th, 2025. The Moon is in Azoraye at the beginning of Tuesday February 4th, having made ingress into that Mansion at 12:17PM the day before. The phase is Waxing Crescent but getting very close to the end of the Crescent phase. The Waxing Crescent is best for beginnings, openings, and revelations.
The Moon will be in Azoraye for 21 hours and 47 minutes. This is a fast period but she is decelerating. This Mansion is 11 minutes longer than the last one. Fast Moons tend to make effects happen more quickly but the effects may pass more quickly. I suspect the deceleration lends duration to one or both of these conditions.
The beneficial powers of Azoraye are for the safety of those who travel by sea, the beneficial use of chemistry and fire, for hunting, for promoting friendship and love between spouses, good luck (Gayat al Hakim), for the love of man and woman (Ibn Hatim), the acquisition of all good things (Latin Picatrix), happy fortune, attract well being, contain negative forces, protection in dangerous environments, and for potent love spells (Celestial Magic), making talismans suitable for women, and making curative medicines (Shams al Marif).
The image in the Latin Picatrix for Azoraye is a seated woman with her right hand above her head. Given the overwhelming positivity associated with this Mansion this is most likely a gesture of blessing. The traditional indicator stars for this Mansion are the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, a grouping of stars with a long and legendary past. The Pleiades are one of the 15 Behenian stars whose powers include, according to Agrippa, "brings an increase to light of the eyes, collects daemons, promotes winds, and reveals secrets and hidden things." And the image is "a virgin girl or the figure of a torch".
The Moon transits across Azoraye until 10:04AM on February 4th and then moves into Aldebaran, the Eye of the Bull. The beneficial powers of Aldebaran are to kill and bind reptiles and venomous animals (Latin Picatrix), to make infatuated one who you wish (Ibn Hatim), attract honor and riches, promote irresistible endurance (Celestial Magic).
The image of Aldebaran in the Latin Picatrix is a knight on horseback holding a viper in his hand. This image is very similar to more than a few poetic spirits from the Lemegeton. In its beneficial face I look more to the approximate Nakshatra, Rohini, the Red Goddess, who has connotations of love, beauty, luxury, romance, and sensual eroticism.
The Moon transits across Aldebaran until February 5th at 7:59AM which is 21 hours and 55 minutes in that Mansion. This means the Moon is in a slow period but is accelerating. Her journey across Aldebaran is 8 minutes longer than the previous Mansion.
The Moon will remain in Aldebaran for the rest of February 4th.
Wednesday, February 5th, 2025. The Moon is in Aldebaran for the first several hours of February 5th, moving out at 7:59AM. The Moon then moves into Almices, The Shining One. The beneficial powers of Aldebaran are to kill and bind reptiles and venomous animals (Latin Picatrix), to make infatuated one who you wish (Ibn Hatim), attract honor and riches, promote irresistible endurance (Celestial Magic). The Moon is in the Waxing Crescent phase until 12:02AM, just 2 minutes into February 5th, and then the phase is Waxing Gibbous. The Waxing Gibbous phase is good for works of growth, ripening, and stability.
The Moon moves through Almices from 7:59AM on February 5th to 6:07AM February 6th. This is 22 hours and 8 minutes which means she is decelerating but still moving fast. A fast Moon can make effects happen more quickly but can also cause effects to end quickly.
The beneficial powers of Almices are for the welfare of children, for advancing education, for the safety of travelers, for the safe structure of buildings, promoting the reconciliation between spouses (Gayat al Hakim), your desires will be satisfied by kings and nobles (Ibn Hatim), for youths to learn arts, salvation of travelers, for sailors to travel safely, improve buildings, for favor between husband and wife, to receive good from kings and officials, to see things in sleep (Latin Picatrix), potent for lamp oracles and divinations, aids all memory, mental powers, and intellectual endeavors, protection from harm, and social success and favor (Celestial Magic).
The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a disembodied head. I take this to be the head of the hunter Orion, whose constellation is nearby. Orion's name means the "dweller on the mountain" and he was a skilled hunter. The king Oenopion promised Orion that if he could rid the island of dangerous beasts that plagued it, he would promise his daughter to Orion. Orion rid the island of the beasts but when the time came for the marriage, the king refused. In a drunken rage Orion raped the princess. King Oenopion had Orion's eyes put out and dumped him on the seashore. An oracle declared that if Orion traveled to the east to the edge of the furthest ocean and turned his eye sockets to the sun when it first rose from the sea, his sight would be restored. Orion did this and when the sun rose, Eos, Goddess of the dawn, saw him, fell in love with him and restored his sight. Thus Almices has connotations of redemption and spiritual sight.
The Moon remains in Almices for the rest of February 5th.
Thursday, February 6th, 2025. The Moon spends the first several hours of February 6th in Almices, moving out of that Mansion and into Alhana, the Mark, at 6:07AM. The phase is Waxing Gibbous which lends strength to works of growth, strength, and establishment.
The Moon moves across Alhana for 22 hours and 20 minutes. This is still a fast period but she is decelerating and spends 12 minutes longer in Alhana than the previous Mansion.
The beneficial powers of Alhana are promoting the welfare of partners, improving the conditions for hunting (Gayat al Hakim), for love, for medical treatment (Ibn Htim), cause friendship between two people, improve hunting in the country, to put love between two people (Latin Picatrix), break resistance (Celestial Magic), and for gathering with those far away and separated (Shams al Marif).
The image for this Mansion in the Latin Picatrix is a white man embracing a white woman. The title The Mark refers to a mark signifying ownership, like a brand on livestock. This is a Mansion of declaring commitments. Another symbol for it might be a wedding ring. The white man and the white woman are twin halves of a whole and Alhana weds them together.
The Moon remains in Alhana through the rest of February 6th.
Friday February 7th, 2025. From 12:01AM until 4:27AM on February 7th the Moon is in Alhana. Then she steps into Aldira, The Forearm. She is still Waxing Gibbous.
The Moon is in Aldira from 4:27AM on February 7th to 3:04AM on February 8th, a period of 22 hours and 37 minutes, This is on the fast side but it is 17 minutes longer than the last Mansion and so she continues her deceleration.
The beneficial powers of Aldira are blessing trade and crops, safety of voyagers, reconciliation between partners and friends, preventing flies from entering a place of trade where they may spoil the product, the fulfillment of a wish by a ruler or dignitary (Gayat al Hakim), entering in the presence of the sultan, for binding spirits (Ibn Hatim), increase merchandise and profit, to travel safely, increase crops, to sail beneficially on the water, cause friendship, cause lords to be benevolent, for the acquisition of all good things (Latin Picatrix), for devotion and seeking truth, and spiritual cures (Shams al Marif).
The image for this Mansion is a man raising his arms as if supplicating to heaven. The traditional indicator stars for this Mansion are Castor and Pollox, the twins from Greek myth. These stars have been equated with twins for a long, long time. One was a celestial twin the other was an underworld twin. The man with his hands raised is one twin calling to the other in the other world. This is a Mansion suited to creating spiritual alliances.
The Moon will remain in Aldira for the rest of February 7th.
Saturday, February 8th, 2025. The Moon spends the first few hours of Saturday, February 8th in Aldira and then moves into Annathra, The Gap, at 3:04AM. The Waxing Gibbous phase promotes works of strengthening, and building.
The Moon will spend 22 hours and 52 minutes in Annathra, between 3:04AM February 8th to 1:56AM February 9th. This is still on the fast side but it is 15 minutes slower than the last Mansion. A fast Moon may make magical effects happen more quickly but may also make them less enduring.
The beneficial powers of Annathra are reconciling love and friendship to an estranged couple, the welfare of a traveler, repel mice and bedbugs (Gayat al Hakim), to excel in battles (Ibn Hatim), and for gaining victory (Latin Picatrix).
The image for Annathra in the Latin Picatrix is an eagle with a man's face. The eagle is a frequent military image signifying fierceness, speed, and power. Annathra’s title, The Gap, was imagined to be the gap between the lion constellation’s jaws, or maybe under his chin. The essence of Annathra’s power to grant victory in battle is in being able to escape danger. It is the bullet that pierces your coat but misses your body.
The Moon will still be in Annathra when February 8th ends at midnight.
Sunday, February 9th, 2025. The Moon will be in Annathra for the beginning of February 9th until 1:56AM. Then the Moon moves into the next Mansion, Atarfa, The Glare of the Lion. The phase is Waxing Gibbous, which is beneficial and empowers works of strengthening and growing.
The Moon will transit across Atarfa between 1:56AM on February 9th until 1:09AM on February 10th. This is 23 hours and 13 minutes, still faster than the average of 23 hours and 40 minutes, but not by much. The time in Atarfa is also 21 minutes longer than the last Mansion. While in Atarfa the moon is in a fast period and decelerating. A fast Moon may make magic take effect more quickly but the effects may pass more quickly.
The beneficial powers of Atarfa include removing diseases of the eyes (Ibn Hatim), help defend a man from being attacked (Latin Picatrix), protection against curses and slander (Celestial Magic).
The image in the Latin Picatrix for this Mansion is a eunuch covering his eyes with his hands. In multiple sources this Mansion has rather negative connotations so the list of beneficial powers is light.
The Moon remains in Atarfa until the end of February 9th.