
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Tarot Working, part 0

To begin the new year with this tarot working I decided a good first step would be to honor the 0 of The Fool by doing a bit of the work before the bulk of the work. I laid out the cards of the Major Arcana, I lit a candle, lit a little incense, and with prayers to God I called on the cards to come to me in the coming weeks. I named them one by one and meditated on the group. I have declared my intention and I have called the spirits of each of the cards.
The work will begin in earnest on Friday, January 1st. I chose to do the working tonight to try and capitalize on the influence of Mercury.  

Sunday, December 27, 2015

A New Tarot Practice

New for me at least. Beginning on the first day of the new year I'll be doing a working with the spirits of the Major Arcana of the tarot. The idea was proposed by some folks on the StudioArcanis occult forum (
The idea is to form a deeper connection with the cards of the Major Arcana by treating each one as an independent spirit with its own personality and intelligence and attempting to communicate with them. We'll start with The Fool on the 1st of January and devote our attentions on each card for a week, gleaning what information we can and, hopefully, making a strong ally out of them all. If I stay on schedule the working will end in early June.
Meditation, skrying, pendulum dowsing, and visualization will be the main methods I employ but I'm open to changing it up if the working calls for it. I want to be as open as I can be to what may come so I'm making as few preconceived notions as I am able.
I'll be posting my notes on progress and results here.

EDIT: Here are links to each of the posts.
The Fool
The Magician
The Priestess
The Empress
The Emperor
The Hierophant
The Lovers
The Chariot
The Hermit
The Wheel of Fortune
The Hanged Man
The Devil
The Tower
The Star-
The Moon-
The Sun-
The World

Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Ebb and Flow of Practice

I trust my spirit allies.
That's all I can really say. My practice in the past few months has waned to a quiet lull. I still have a connection to spirits and my divination tools still work but the actual practice, actually doing stuff, has been minimal beyond daily offerings and prayers.
I still feel the help of spirits in small things; helping me catch a plane when I'm running late, intuitive whispers helping me find a parking spot, glimpses into the personal lives of strangers, and other assistances. I value the presence of spirits in my life.
Things happen as they need to. It may be quiet now but I know that soon enough things will get busier. One of the big advantages to doing this work over years and decades is that I know I'll never lose my connections and my allies. And I know they have my interest in mind.
I put my trust in them.