Saturday, March 19, 2016

Scirlin Head Update

Today is day 4 in my Scirlin Head working. This morning I did things slightly differently than I had for the previous three. This morning I woke up early and went directly out to do the oblations at the grave. For the past three days I has been getting up early and getting ready for work before heading out to visit Scirlin. For all three of those days I felt like I was racing with the Sun and I was really pushing the definition of "before dawn". This morning I was out and back well before 7:00am. The sky was lightening but it was still dark.
I got to the grave about an hour before sunrise this morning. I sprinkled the grave with the brandy, said some prayers, and burned some mace. The mace burned exceptionally well. I'm inclined to take this as a sign of approval or appreciation from Scirlin. At any rate it felt good. It seems well before sunrise is preferable than just at or just after sunrise.
The brandy is almost gone so yesterday I bought a new bottle. This time I got Clear Creek 8 year old apple brandy, one of my favorites. When I walked into the liquor store Roxy Music's Avalon was playing on the store's sound system. I took it as a sign that it was to be apple brandy.
So far so good. I'll have more updates as the work progresses.

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